Calling Dr. Fauci

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a social/political psychological disorder that is fast approaching pandemic levels. It is believed that MSNBC was Patient Zero. There are a number of symptoms: analytical hyper-ventilation, compulsive censorship of all or part of anything Trump has ever uttered, incredulity that assassination attempts have been unsuccessful and the full embrasure of any candidate, no matter how incompetent or unqualified, who may prevent his re-election. These symptoms defy psychological explanation as they are absolutely irrational. To date there is no known cure although it appears that a three digit IQ provides a strong immunity. Apparently those who suffer from TDS also suffer from some form of dementia as they have no memory of Trump ever having served as President.

The following are examples of Stage 4 TDS:

Michael Bechloss opined on MSNBC that if the Republicans win “American democracy and the free press could end, historians may no longer exist”, and “our children” could all die at the hands of a “brutal authoritarian system.” No dissent was offered by the assembled rubber stamps.

Michael Cohen, disbarred for perjury, during a guest appearance on MSNBC suggested that former President Trump will “order Seal Team 6 to round up his critics or his opponents if he wins in November”. The show host, Jen Psaki, did an academy award worthy imitation of a bobble head doll.

Rachel Maddow, one of many dystopian hosts on MSNBC, said: “This is a president who has activated pro-Trump paramilitary groups that wear insignia and T-shirts and hold placards celebrating literally right-wing death squads,” she noted. “This is a president who has talked about absolutely using the Justice Department to go after his rivals.”

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough suggests that an “increasingly desperate Donald Trump is inciting civil war in anticipation of another election loss.”

Nancy Pelosi is caught on video on January 6, 2021, saying: “There is a domestic enemy in the White House. Let’s not mince words about this.”

Recent encounters with people who are afflicted with TDS are instructive as to the strength of the TDS virus. As we have noted on several occasions the only information more zealously protected than the nuclear launch codes are the accomplishments of the first Trump administration. Here are some examples of reflexive criticisms of Team Trump.

One TDS sufferer was positively indignant that Trump had reduced the number of IRS agents in an effort to protect the richest taxpayers from scrutiny. As fate would have it there was an article with a headline that seemed to confirm the accusation. But wait…the article was dated 40 days after Trump was inaugurated, before he even knew where all the bathrooms were in the White House. And if you had the wherewithal to read to the third paragraph you would have discovered that the reduction was the continuation of an Obama program.

The Trump tax cuts are uniformly described as a welfare program for his pals, the very rich. Kamala Harris is programmed to say at least 43 times a day that the rich must “pay their fair share”. It is true that the share of the top 1% of earners went from 20.1% of total personal income in 2019 to 22.2% in 2020. Gasp…the horror of it! Yet the share of total income tax revenues paid by the top 1% went from 38.8% in 2019 to 42.3% in 2020. Perhaps those with TDS don’t actually understand what a tax cut is. And what is their “fair share”?

One TDS victim directed his ire at the crippling deficits of the Trump years. Indeed 2020 was a record high deficit driven entirely by the national overreaction to the Wuhan Red Death. However the overall data seem a bit less dire. The average annual deficit for the eight tears we suffered through under Obama was $909 billion. The first three years of the Orange Man’s term the average annual deficit of $809 billion. So will Harris provide a respite from this tsunami of red ink by continuing the policies of the Biden/HARRIS administration? The average annual deficit for the first three years under Team Biden (Co-captain Kamala Harris) was $1.94 Trillion. Then again Tim Walz did say that we “can’t take another four years of this”.

And let us not forget the endlessly repeated canard that Trump said about the protest in Charlottesville: “You also had people that were very fine people, on both sides”. This was described as a dog whistle to Nazis and white nationalists. Seven years after the Virginia kerfuffle Snopes, an alleged fact checker, admitted they were just kidding when they suggested that Trump had called “Nazis and white supremacists” very fine people. The entirety of the leftist media ignored the fact that Trump said in the same statement that he wasn’t talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be “condemned totally.” Seven years of TDS driven disinformation!

Even today those with Stage 4 TDS are still repeating the Russian collusion story. This despite the fact that the Steele dossier has been shown to be a confection of the Clinton campaign and the failure of the Mueller Investigation Report to provide evidence of any such collusion. Mueller can be found only on milk cartons, evidence that he became a non-person following his epic fail.

But TDS cannot be cured….Steele has been trotted out again this year for an encore. And the ever ready fabulist Bob Woodward has come forward with yet another book that alleges, based as usual on anonymous sources, that Trump has spoken to Putin six or seven times in the past four years. A much needed fix for the TDS addicts. It turns out that Smith may no longer be the most common surname in the United States…almost every confidential source cited by the TDS victims like Woodward is named Anonymous.

Those with TDS never fail to resort to what they believe is their knock-out punch…Trump is under attack in court. Unfortunately for these nattering nabobs of negativity (hat tip to Spiro Agnew) the cases against Trump are marked by continual pratfalls and the prosecutors are the legal equivalent of the Keystone Kops. The appeal of the civil case against Trump has encountered a bit of tough sledding. You will recall that the verdict was based on an alleged over valuation of a Trump property. The huge penalty was awarded but that has already been dramatically reduced. The Appellate Court seemed puzzled by the fact that there were no injured parties, no losses suffered by anyone and the statute upon which the case was based had never been used in such a situation. Not a felony but if it gets reversed MSNBC hosts will be in therapy for months.

And the civil case looks rock solid compared to the various and sundry criminal cases. The SS Jack Smith is taking on water and the Fani Willis prosecution is a dumpster fire. But, but…the TDS crowd will say…Trump engaged in an insurrection against the United States and is, therefore, barred from being re-elected as provided in the 14th Amendment. In order to make the case Trump’s speech on January 6 is edited to omit the part where he said to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” In addition Trump has never been charged with insurrection. Hardly comparable to the secession of the southern states and the ensuing Civil War.

Veritable truism: Capitalism is the ATM for socialism.

Pop quiz:

What future US President wrote to the man who would be his successor: “You are afraid of the one- I, the few. We agree perfectly that the many should have full, fair and perfect representation. You are apprehensive of monarchy, I of aristocracy.”

Who are they and based on the present state of government in the US who won?

What world leader said: “Being powerful is like being a lady-if you have to tell people you are then you aren’t.”? Feel free to substitute “truthful”, a “leader” or “competent” for powerful and you describe the Harris/Walz ticket.

Answers: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson for the former, Margaret Thatcher for the latter.

(3) Comments

      • Herewith an economic primer. Free enterprise, which is sometimes called capitalism, is marked by private property and freedom with respect to economic decisions. Moving to the left we come to fascism which is private ownership with strong government regulatory control. The US economy is basically a fascist system. FDR was a fan of Benito Mussolini and he sent advisors to Italy to study Mussolini’s fascist economic “miracle” which apparently involved getting the trains to run on time. One more step to the left and we arrive at socialism which is government ownership and control of the economy. Picture an economy run by the DMV and the post office. Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world because it is antithetical (look it up in the dictionary) to human behavior. The uninformed hold up Sweden as a “socialist success” but if you ask the Swedes if they are, in fact, socialists they will vehemently (look it up) deny it. Now take the last step to the left and you arrive at communism which is socialism on totalitarian steroids. Read 1984. Please send your address so I can send you a bill for the tuition you owe for this education.

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