Until Theodore Roosevelt was levitated to Office upon the assassination of William McKinley the Presidency was, except for the period of the Lincoln administration, essentially ceremonial. Listing the accomplishments of […]
Years ago I got tired of hearing how “dumb” President Reagan was. An “amiable dunce”, a B actor, dumb as a stump, all hat no cattle, etc. So I read […]
On April 12, 1633 Galileo Galilei was convicted of heresy by the Roman Inquisition. He stood accused of refusing to accept the forward thinking position of the Papal establishment: specifically […]
One always admires the unique talents that people have and how they use those talents. Michael Jordan’s success on the court with time running out (NCAA Tournament 1982). Bill Clinton’s […]
There are an amazing number of phobias but there is no term yet coined to define an irrational fear of words written on flat surfaces with chalk. Yet apparently that […]