The More Things Change…

Pop Quiz

What CNN airhead (redundancy alert) compared the Trump Administration to Nazi Germany?

What American politician said of Benito Mussolini: “I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished.”

What city’s teacher’s union posted the following: “The push to open the schools is rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny.”

Answers at the end of the post.

The Chinese are openly laughing at us today because we are truly living in interesting times thanks in no small part to the Chinese unleashing the Wuhan Red Death on the world.

You will find that very few people can actually define Fascism. Mussolini was the first international leader to embrace the economic doctrine that is Fascism. He was the leader of the National Fascist Party (Italy). There is a mistaken belief that Hitler was a Fascist but he was elected as a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, aka the Nazi Party. This is easily confused with the Democratic Socialism espoused by Bernie Sanders and AOC.

This serves to introduce a discussion of the second favorite reflexive pejorative of the Democrat/Progressive politicos when describing Trump and the 73 million Americans who voted for him: Nazis one and all. And we should listen because the left has authoritarian/totalitarian instincts that appear to be part of their DNA.

The Nazis: Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany following the 1932 federal election and in 1933 he was elected President of Germany. The election followed an extended period of violence across the country inflicted by the Sturmabteilung, Hitler’s Brownshirts. Ernst Rohm was the head of this “assault division” and they acted to support the election of Hitler. Their purpose was to create fear and instability which Hitler capitalized on to gain power.

The left today: Some Black Lives Matter (SBLM) and the fascist antifascists (Fa-Antifa) serve as the Democrat Party Brownshirts. What they have done in Democrat run cities like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis and New York in 2020 was a replay of what Hitler’s assault division did in the 1930’s. They put fear and instability on the evening news.

The Nazis: On November 9-10, 1938 Hitler’s Brownshirts engaged a series of attacks that became known as “Kristallnacht”, the Night of the Broken Glass. It was intended to terrorize the general population with special focus on German Jews. It was the beginning of what became the worst genocidal tragedy in world history. The German population was sufficiently cowed that there was no resistance to the systemic extermination of European Jewry. The message delivered by Rohm’s street thugs was received and understood by the German people.

The left today: The Democrat assault division spent no small amount of effort creating sales opportunities for plate glass manufacturers. It could be called the Months of the Broken Glass. They assaulted the police with frozen water bottles delivered by the Soros logistics team and finished their Christmas looting by Labor Day. Their arson team was in good form and buildings (belonging to others of course) were on fire wherever there were Democrat governors and mayors in charge. The main stream leftist media basically told their sycophantic readers that there was nothing to see here, move along. If CNN had existed in December of 1941 the lead story would have been: “Japanese flyover at Pearl Harbor mostly peaceful.” Inexplicably the left blamed Trump for all of it and it no doubt impacted the fraudulent election that followed.

The Nazis: Joseph Goebbels (Gurgles to Al (not so) Sharpton) was the chief propagandist and purveyor of fake news for the Hitler regime. He was the man in charge of Lugenpresse, German “fake news”. Goebbels was clear about his methods: “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly-it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over again.” His policies were based on censorship and the most vivid manifestation of that censorship was the burning of books. Goebbels spoke at book burnings and demanded the purging of censored books from libraries. Any book deemed to be un-German was a target. Naturally the targets were identified by obedient Nazis.

The left today: The Ministry of Truth headquartered in Silicon Valley and the left wing media are now applying the Goebbels program here in America. Create a fake story like Trump/Russia collusion then repeat it endlessly and censor any facts that might undermine their propaganda. Accuse Trump of refusing to reject white supremacy and repeat the accusation at every opportunity and refuse to air his numerous rejections of white racists, the KKK and David Duke. During the election cycle start every debate or news conference by asking: “Why have you refused to reject the white supremacists who continue to support you?” Is it any wonder why 50% of the nation and 100% of the Democrats continue to believe that Trump is a racist? Riddle me this…why was there no suggestion that Trump was a racist until he came down that escalator in 2015?

The Nazis: The law allowed the police to confiscate all guns owned by Jews in Germany. It was done to ensure that there would be no serious resistance to the round-up of the Jews during the Holocaust. When they came for the communists I said nothing because I was not a communist. When they came for the trade unionists I said nothing because I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews I said nothing because I was not a Jew. And when they came for me there was no one left to say anything.

The left today: The Biden administration will make it a top priority to confiscate guns. It will ensure there is no resistance when they begin give full reign to their totalitarian instincts.

It is likely that William Buckley was speaking to a Democrat when he said: “I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.” There are two concepts that completely elude the modern leftists: hypocrisy and irony.

On January 6, 2021 a group of “protestors” assaulted the US Capitol. The last group to do this was the British army in 1814. There is no excuse for what was done but what followed in the media was reprehensible. It was immediately, and incorrectly, blamed on President Trump. It was fully expected that CNN would produce a picture of Trump helping the British burn the Capitol in 1814. The President’s remarks were taken out of context and the left wing media have yet to play the full text of his remarks which included the word “peaceful”. Nanny Pelosi rammed through a second impeachment before any facts were made public. Several moronic Republican Trump haters voted for the articles of impeachment and should be removed from the Republican caucus. Liz Cheney is an embarrassment. Even CNN has now concluded that Trump did not incite those who entered the Capitol as the protest on Capitol Hill began before he even spoke. Apparently the FBI knew that the “attack” was planned before the rally in Washington but the report was quietly stored in Area 51. Ready, Fire, Aim!

Now about that hypocrisy… Where were these nattering nabobs when crazed leftists threatened violence in Congress during the Kavanaugh hearings? Or when these same nitwits assaulted the Supreme Court building during the hearings? Where was the outrage when protestors took over the Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin? Who condemned the leftist Brownshirts who assaulted Rand Paul and wife in Washington after attending Trump’s acceptance speech at the White House? See Buckley quote above.

Has there been any effort to understand why Trump supporters might be a bit miffed at this point in time? Hilliary described his supporters as “deplorables”. A lawyer for PBS has stated that all children of Trump supporters should taken from their parents and sent to reeducation camps (Pol Pot call your office). We are hearing about the need to “reprogram” Trump voters. For four years we have been told that Trump voters are racists, Nazis, white supremacists and climate change deniers…all evidence to the contrary. Elizabeth Warren in one her more modulated moments suggested that Trump was a threat to the existence of human life, of all life on this planet. The only worse slander would have been to call them Democrats!

They got to watch their duly elected President maligned and slandered for four years. The media and the Ministry of Truth have censored any discussion of his many accomplishments. They must think that reducing Black and Black teenage unemployment levels to the lowest ever recorded is a bad thing. That the Israeli peace deals are no big deal. That enterprise zones in minority communities are a bad idea. That energy independence is not worth mentioning. It seems that failing to match the high standards of governance practiced in Democrat run cities was his fatal flaw.

They watched the election stolen from Trump by the largest voter fraud in US history. The media will have you believe that there is not a scintilla of evidence that there was voter fraud. They want you to ignore the votes of people over 120 years of age, the votes of people residing in grave yards and precincts where there were more votes cast than registered voters. Is it any wonder why the 73 million people who voted honestly for Trump might be mildly pissed off?

Please don’t tell our media oligarchs that voter fraud was mentioned here because the Ministry of Truth has made it clear that any such allegation is a “LIE”.

From our research department:

After a painstaking search the first use of the term “the science is settled” has been found. It was first uttered by Pope Urban VIII during the trial of Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de’ Galilei who had offered up the preposterous theory that the earth revolved around the sun rather than the other way around. Galileo was convicted of heresy and placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. In a Papal press release after the trial Galileo was accused of giving false hope and encouragement to the flat earth deniers.

Pop Quiz answers: Christine Amanpour is the source of that snippet of pure genius. FDR was a fan of the Fascist Mussolini and actually sent people to learn study Il Duce’s successful program to make the trains run on time. None other than the teacher’s union of Lori Lightweight’s Chicago schools, feeder system for the killing fields of Chicago. This does explain part of the failure of our inner city education systems.

(3) Comments

  1. “In a Papal press release after the trial Galileo was accused of giving false hope and encouragement to the flat earth deniers”… pure gold.
    I would like to sum it up in the words of The Bobby Fuller Four: “I fought the law and the law won”. He fought the swamp and…. well ,you know the rest.

  2. A very nice follow on to “A racist by any other name…” I’ve vacillated on the most critical ingredient in the left’s success at winning the hearts and minds of at least half the country. It could be stupidity and ignorance. It could be the failed education system. It could be the money behind the thrown. But after observing the 48 hours after January 6, I finally conclude with high confidence, that total control of what is and is not disseminated by the media (traditional and social) is my final answer. It is indeed possible to fool some of the people all of the time.

    As to the Pop Quiz. I think your answer to the first question is wrong. The correct answer is “All of them!”
    The second one could have been Bernie!


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