Deep State Spelunking

Pop Quiz

What political observer said: “When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean-neither more nor less.”?

Who said: “Black people need the Republican Party to compete for us so that we have real alternatives for meeting our needs.”?

What politician said: “It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.”?

What President said: “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”?

Who wrote: “Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.”?

At the end of the classic film Raiders of the Lost Ark agents of the government assure Indiana Jones that the Ark of the Covenant will be researched by top men. The next scene shows the crated Ark on a forklift moving through a huge government warehouse and being stored among countless other wooden crates in that warehouse. There you assume it will remain along with other things to be “researched” by the Deep State. This was an unintentional peek into how the deep state can hide secrets that they feel threaten them. A few examples will suffice.

In November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Those of us who lived through the event remember precisely where we were when the news broke…in my case I was in a study hall in room 222, at George Stephanopoulous’ high school alma mater, talking to Dee Dee Licker (not a pseudonym). The assassination was a shocking event. Shortly thereafter a conspiracy theorist by the name of Mark Lane authored a book entitled Rush to Judgment which hypothesized that the CIA was responsible for the shooting. It included accusations that the Warren Commission was engaged in a cover-up to hide the actual story. The contention was that Lee Harvey Oswald, an admitted Communist, was a patsy which is exactly what Oswald himself told Dallas police before he was killed in the Dallas police station.

Since that book there have been a number of books published about that Dallas morning including Case Closed by Gerald Posner, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs and Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi. Some authors try to prove that Oswald acted alone while others blame the Mafia and/or the “oil men” of Texas. The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted alone and immediately sealed all the records for 50 years.

More recently books such as The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination by Barry Nelson, Blood, Money and Power by Barr McClellan, The Men on the Sixth Floor by Sample and Collom and The Texas Connection by Craig Zirbel have focused on a different theory. Each of these authors concludes that the assassination was orchestrated by then Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The infamous Roger Stone added one more volume supporting this proposition, The Man Who Killed Kennedy, published in 2013. These authors suggest that the cover-up was also managed by Johnson. He appointed the Warren Commission and to date important evidence remains sealed and these authors contend that Johnson and subsequent Democrats have worked hard to ensure that the evidence will never come to light. There has been virtually no interest from the national media. Conclusion: A negative story involving a Democrat causes the media to become comatose.

Compare that to the handling of the scandal known as Watergate. Person of Interest: Richard Nixon. Press coverage: rabid. When they sculpt a Rushmore for members of the media Woodward and Bernstein will be where Washington and Lincoln can be seen in South Dakota. The story even had a “deep throat”. Not Linda Lovelace, but rather Mark Felt an FBI agent who leaked confidential investigation details to the aforementioned Woodward and Bernstein to keep the story alive. The Deep State hated Nixon so there were no restraints on the pursuit of the President.

On the other hand…

Remember Craig Livingstone? He was the Director of Personnel Security in the Clinton White House reporting directly to Hilliary Clinton. In 1993-94 Mr. Livingstone managed to collect some 700 raw data confidential FBI files in the White House. Defying all statistical probabilities each of the 700 files belonged a Republican. Person of Interest: Hilliary Clinton. Press coverage: non-existent. Ms. Clinton denied any knowledge that Livingstone even existed and distanced herself from the entire event. Democrat corruption plus Republican targets yields rabid disinterest by the media.

In 2015 Peter Schweitzer published his detailed account of Clintonian corruption in a book entitled Clinton Cash. It is well researched and well documented and made the case that the Clintons ran a very profitable pay for play scam. People of Interest: the Man from Hope and his lovely bride Bruno. Press coverage: Rip Van Winkle call your office. The media ran interference even when it was noted, after Hilliary lost the 2016 election, that contributions to the Clinton Foundation were an asymptote to zero. No play means no pay. The media slept soundly.

Can you find anyone who can identify Lois Lerner? Lerner was an IRS operative who worked diligently to ensure that any organization associated with the Tea Party movement was denied tax exempt status in the run up to the 2012 presidential election. She did this to ensure that her boss, Barack Obama, would not be troubled in his re-election bid by pesky citizens who opposed his tax and spend policies. Ms. Lerner lied under oath and fought tooth and nail to keep her deposition transcript from being made public. It was later concluded that her actions were not legal but that was not revealed until after the election. She is enjoying her government pension in quiet retirement. It goes without saying that the subservient media ignored the story because they were intently focused on investigating the allegation about the Romney family dog riding on the roof of the car. This was apparently intended to ensure that Obama captured the PETA vote.

If world famous artist Hunter “Michelangelo” Biden was a Republican he would already be residing in Leavenworth. In 2018 Schweitzer published an excellent book entitled Profiles in Corruption. He introduced us to that lovable lug Hunter in his natural milieu…traveling with his famous father and collecting money for the family coffers. While the media practiced astronomy the Biden family engaged in multinational corruption led by their very own Eddie Haskell. If only there had been a smoking gun like the White House tapes that did Nixon in because you can be sure the media would take up the case! Enter from a repair shop in Delaware the Hunter Biden laptop. Surely the media lapdogs picked up the scent and began their hot pursuit. Not so fast…Adam Schiff for brains swung into action confecting a story that the laptop had all the earmarks of a Russian counterintelligence operation. The problem for the media was, not surprisingly, that the contents of the laptop implicated candidate Biden in the various illegal acts but “the big guy” argued very persuasively that he had no knowledge of anything that went on around him. Hard to challenge that defense! Surely, you must be thinking, the main stream media made the information on the laptop a campaign issue. Not so much what with the interest in what flavor ice cream Biden liked on a given day or the weekly outpouring of adulation when Biden would string together three coherent sentences.

Basically what the Deep State wants hidden stays hidden and you may have picked up a political pattern to the coverage.

Now compare the coverage of two recent political events. In 2016 the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House created out of whole cloth a wonderful campaign issue: Donald Trump was a Russian asset. Everyone now concurs that the Steele dossier was a complete fabrication. The FISA Court process was criminally abused by the FBI. FBI Director Pope James Comey I, in violation of the law, leaked confidential FBI documents to the press. American citizens, such as General Michael Flynn, were unmasked in order to support criminal charges against them. A special prosecutor was put in place and his team worked hand in glove with the FBI to pursue the ridiculous contention that the Russians had compromised the Trump campaign. There were daily breathless press statements that they finally had the goods on Trump and “the walls were closing in”. When asked under oath about these smoking guns the conspirators denied that there was ever any real evidence. Robert Mueller destroyed a lifetime of credibility when he testified before the Senate and embarrassed himself irretrievably when it became clear that he knew nothing about the investigation. One observer said that America learned a lot about the case against Trump during the Senate hearings but no one learned more than Robert Mueller. The FBI altered documents to support the FISA case and a government lawyer plead guilty to the charge. A US Attorney, John Durham, was charged with tracking down all of the skullduggery practiced by the Deep State. The result: the cover-up continues apace and the media still refers to the Trump campaign as a Russian intelligence operation, all evidence to the contrary.

And lest you believe that the forces of good, as opposed to the Federal intelligence community, are incapable of ferreting out the obvious… On January 6, 2021 there was a demonstration at the US Capitol that has been portrayed by the media hoplophobics as an “armed insurrection”. It was, they said, the worst riot in US history. Deaths have been wrongly attributed to the protestors. To date not a single weapon has been produced. There are reports that a large number of FBI undercover agents participated in the “attack” on the Capitol. There are reports that members of Antifa and BLM were active participants in the planning and execution of the event. The entire intelligence apparatus of the Federal government has been used to track down anyone who was on or near Capitol Hill that day including tracking cell phone locations, perusal of social media accounts and accessing credit card information. Several hundred people are being held in solitary confinement while the investigation continues. Civil rights have, in essence, been suspended for the protestors because it is believed they are all Trump supporters. Note that no Democrat corruption has been subjected to anywhere near this level of scrutiny.

All of which begs two ineluctable conclusions:

(1) Where there is no adversarial press the truth can and will be hidden from the people. Where the media lose any pretense of impartiality we lose our ability to understand the authoritarian instincts of the political class. The media in America today have chosen sides and placed a thumb on the scale of what they perceive to be justice. The Trump administration and those who supported it have become victims of an arrogant and uncontrolled media including the social platforms that comprise the Ministry of Truth. The Biden administration can count on the social media fact checkers to prevent the dissemination of “misinformation” regarding the COVID pandemic, possible election fraud or the lack of mental acuity of the President. Somewhere Eric Blair is smiling.

The Democrats, on the other hand, are offered the full protection of the media “watchdogs” who work to ensure that there is no serious journalistic effort to uncover inconvenient truths. The Biden’s, the Cuomo’s, the Obama’s and the Clinton’s get a free pass to engage in corrupt practices. No one questions the hypocrisy of (Some) Black Lives Matter leaders, who are self-described Marxists, when they use their organization’s funds to buy million dollar properties. Government officials who abuse their power if they are Democrats…Lois Lerner, Hilliary Clinton, Jim Comey to name a few…will never face scrutiny. They go through life like The Great Leslie in the famous pie fight…clean as the wind driven snow!

(2) Can we continue to ignore the man behind the curtain, the wizard that conducts the business of the Deep State? The ongoing persecution of all things Trump is indefensible. This is especially true now that the facts are coming out about the level of fraud in the 2020 election. The Attorney General of the United States threatens state officials who are investigating the election. Members of the Texas legislature engage in filibuster by private plane. The intelligence apparatus of the federal government will go to extraordinary, and arguably unconstitutional, lengths to pursue those who engaged in a protest on Capitol Hill and to suspend the civil rights of those who they believe committed trespass, a crime usually punished by a slap on the wrist. The media turn a blind eye and the Democrat politicians fulminate about the greatest threat to the United States since the Civil War. Yes, President Houseplant actually said that. Reasonable laws and procedures for voting are compared to Jim Crow which suggests only that the fear mongers have no clue what Jim Crow really was. What an insult to those who marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Bloody Sunday, March 7, 1965, when police attacked demonstrators with horses, billy clubs, and tear gas as they were attempting to march to the Alabama state capital.

We have lost all perspective with regard to hidden power of the government and the media take umbrage if anyone tries to challenge that power. When did we lose the ability to talk truth to power? Ponder that point alone…

Leftist Lexicon: The brave people of Cuba are demanding freedom in their communist/socialist paradise. Our embarrassing spokesperson for the President looked down her nose and suggested that they were actually protesting against “economic mismanagement”. From now on if you are asked about the type of government that is practiced in Venezuela the answer is…Economic mismanagement aka communism/socialism. Every once in a while even Psaki gets one right. It should be noted that Team Biden and their socialist cheerleaders are well up the economic mismanagement curve.

A matter of perspective: A billion minutes ago Hadrian was building his famous wall in Britain. A billion hours ago the last glacial period on earth was beginning. The government takes two and a half hours to spend a billion dollars.

Senator John Kennedy dismantles critical race theory: “America is not a racist country . . . most Americans, black and white, think a whole lot more about character than they do about race. They believe in equality. And most Americans understand that, to a bear, we all taste like chicken.”

Mark Twain said: “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” That was illustrated recently when a group of woke race warriors defaced a statue of Matthias Baldwin by pouring red paint on his face and hands because they believed Mr. Baldwin had blood on his hands. Turns out Baldwin was an active abolitionist who supported schools to educate Black children before the Civil War. Clearly these folks were products of public education. Why don’t they vandalize the statue of avowed racist Richard Russell in the rotunda of the Richard Russell Senate Office Building instead?

Pop quiz answers:

“When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean-neither more nor less.” Humpty Dumpty in Alice Through the Looking Glass by Charles Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll.

“Black people need the Republican Party to compete for us so that we have real alternatives for meeting our needs.” The Reverend Jesse Jackson apparently giving campaign advice to Donald Trump: “What do you have to lose?”

“It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.” National Socialist Adolf Hitler.

“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” President John F. Kennedy.

Who wrote: “Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.”? Lennon and McCartney clearly referring to our media.

One Comment

  1. Interesting that Hitler made such an observation about the media and what it could mean in the context of your assertions. Because ultimately he nationalized the media.
    I like the “Leftist Lexicon” ….


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