Feline Life Expectancy Skyrockets

Pop Quiz

Who said: “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”?

What First Lady said: “I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.”?

What English philosopher said: “Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.”?

What French philosophe observed: “So blind is the curiosity by which mortals are possessed, that they often conduct their minds along unexplored routes, having no reason to hope for success, but merely being willing to risk the experiment of finding whether the truth they seek lies there.”?

Answers at the end of the post.

It is fair to say that Gen Z and Gen Alpha have no conscious memory of the hotly contested Presidential election of 2000 when, inexplicably, the inventor of the internet, Nobel Laureate and Harvard graduate Al Gore lost to a rustic village idiot named George Bush. The Left still believes, all evidence to the contrary, that Bush stole the election and was “selected” not elected, a reference to the fact that the US Supreme Court stepped in to stop the endless recounts in the State of Florida.

Florida was the state that put Bush over the top in the Electoral College. There were 5,963,110 votes cast in that state in 2000 for President. Bush won by a “landslide”…537 votes. The margin of victory was 0.00009 percent of the vote. Gore had successfully challenged the mail-in votes from off-shore military voters because they were not postmarked in a timely manner. Those votes were thrown out. The media studiously ignored that bit of information. There was, to the contrary, a frantic effort by Team Gore to “find” 538 additional votes.

What followed was an act of journalistic curiosity. Our watchdog media was so incensed that the unwashed masses elected a man they believed to be an ignoramus that they unilaterally conducted some nine independent audits of the vote count in Democrat strongholds across the State to unearth the necessary votes required to levitate their chosen candidate into the White House. Happily they were unsuccessful and America dodged a Gorian bullet.

Fast forward to the 2020 election which was also hotly contested. A total of 158,397,726 votes were cast and a change of 42,922 votes in three states (0.0026 percent) would have swung the election to Trump. Cats were dancing in the streets because the media and the Ministry of Truth (Facebook, Google and Twitter BM) showed not a shred of curiosity about the integrity of the vote. In fact if someone even suggested that there was any Democrat chicanery they were expelled forthwith from the MOT platforms, ridiculed by the media and, ultimately, charged with various and sundry felonies by legal thugs like Fani Willis and the blindingly incompetent Alvin Bragg. In addition, Merrick Garland’s Department of Injustice openly threatened anyone who wished to engage in the same type of audit that was conducted in 2000. Curiosity was DOA because the “right” candidate won.

Babylon Bee headline: 2.4 million Georgia voters indicted for conspiring to elect Donald Trump

Recommended reading: 2,000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza.

Let us ponder additional examples of an investigative incuriosity that is actively supported by cats nationally.

Lois Lerner, a former IRS employee, now enjoying a quiet retirement, violated Federal law by refusing to let Tea Party groups secure tax exempt status. The use of the word Patriot in an organization’s name was enough to incur the rabid inaction of Ms. Lerner. The IRS ultimately paid a substantial financial penalty for her actions.

Obvious line of inquiry: Why did Ms. Lerner take the action she did and who in the Obama administration instructed her to do it? That sentence alone explains the lack of curiosity,

Craig Livingstone, director of the White House’s Office of Personnel Security managed to gather some 700 raw data FBI files for reasons that have never been fully explained. It was a staggering feat of statistical improbability because, incredibly, every file involved a Republican. The only other event in recent memory with a lower probability was Jussie Smollett running into two Black men wearing MAGA hats in Chicago at 3 AM in 5 degree weather.

Obvious line of inquiry: Did Mr. Livingstone’s boss, Hilliary Clinton instruct him to compile that political treasure trove? That sentence alone explains the lack of curiosity,

Ray Epps appears in several videos on January 5, 2021 urging protestors in the nation’s capital to breach the US Capitol Building the following day. On January 6 he is seen whispering in a conspiratorial manner to a young man standing at a barricade in front of the Capitol. Shortly after this tete-a-tete the young man “breaches” the barricade and heads for the Capitol. Clearly Mr. Epps was inciting an insurrection.

Obvious line of inquiry: Was Senor Epps an independent actor or was he (a) an agent of the evil Orange Man, (b) a passing pedestrian seeking to quiet the unrest he stumbled upon, or (c) an FBI undercover informant engaged in a false flag action to discredit President Trump? Answer (c) explains the incuriosity.

The Steele Dossier was a fictional document worthy of John Le Carre. It was the basis of the sting operation that was intended to entrap Doyle Lonnegan, aka Donald Trump. It was used to justify a series of FISA warrants obtained to spy on members of Team Trump. We now know that the Dossier was a product of the Clinton campaign team and became the seed from which grew the Russian collusion hoax.

Obvious line of inquiry: Who authored the Steele Dossier and what was the basis of the various accusations contained therein? Why was it accepted by the FBI and the FISA Court without any serious verification? Was it intended to help the floundering Clinton campaign? The last point explains the lack of curiosity.

In August 2021 President Biden ordered the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. It was by any measure a complete disaster. In Pavlovian fashion Biden blamed Trump for his own ineptitude. The US left more the $7 billion of arms and equipment in Afghanistan and left Bagram Airfield intact. The arms have subsequently been used by Taliban fighters. Tragically 13 American service members were assassinated by a terrorist bomber before the abandonment of our allies was completed. President Empathy was on hand when the victims returned home and appeared to be timing the efficiency of the deplaning of the coffins.

Obvious line of inquiry: Who botched the chaotic departure of our troops? Why was Bagram Airfield not destroyed? Why was all the equipment left behind? The fact that it happened on President Biden’s watch explains the incuriosity.

Christine Blasey Ford testified under oath that she was the victim of a sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh on some date, at some location, neither of which she could remember. She claimed she reported the event to several of her friends none of whom have any recollection of any such conversations. Her own family did not support her story. The now incarcerated Michael Avenatti then produced a second witness who claimed that she saw, with her own lying eyes, Mr. Kavanaugh spiking punch at a frat party and then participating in a gang rape of a woman rendered helpless by the punch. The witness almost immediately disavowed the entire story and Avenatti shuffled off the stage to prepare for his trial for stealing money from his clients. Ms. Blasey Ford, like Alissa Heinerscheid, can now only be found on milk cartons.

Obvious line of inquiry: To use the immortal words of Justice Clarence Thomas we witnessed a “high-tech lynching”. Who ferreted out this fabulist, Ms. Blasey Ford? Who arranged for her the opportunity to commit perjury before a Senate Committee? Mr. Kavanaugh is a respected jurist who happens to be an originalist. The last point fully explains the lack of curiosity.

Covid 19 originates in Wuhan China just down the street from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The PRC bans travel from Wuhan to other Chinese cities but has no problem loading infected residents onto international flights to Italy and the United States. Covid breaks out, coincidentally, in Italy and the United States. Anyone who suggests that the source of the virus was the Wuhan lab is sentenced immediately to the electronic gulag. Calling the virus the Wuhan Red Death is identified as evidence of racism and xenophobia.

Obvious line of inquiry: Where did the virus originate? Was the Chinese government involved in the export of the virus? Was the censorship by the MOT and the media evidence that the Biden family was on the PRC payroll having accepted huge payments from Chinese sources? Enough said…the last sentence explains the lack of curiosity.

There is an ongoing kerfuffle between Ukraine and Russia. It appears that the Biden administration believes that the northern border of Ukraine, in contradistinction to our southern border, is inviolate. The Russian invasion is, like Donald Trump’s mere existence, an existential threat to democracy. Put aside that there is no democracy practiced in either Russia or present day Ukraine. The US has expended significant funds to support Ukraine thereby inflating our two trillion dollar 2023 deficit. We see no respite in the war.

Obvious line of inquiry: What American interests are at risk in Ukraine? Is there any accounting of the moneys being showered on the Ukraine government? Is it possible that payments by Ukrainian oligarchs showered on the Biden family has influenced the US response to the war in Ukraine? The last point explains the incuriosity.

All of these examples are the spawn of Woodward and Bernstein and Watergate, from a time when the press felt it was their duty to place its thumb on the political scales. Ignore the commentary from incurious cat lovers at CNN and MSDNC claiming that they are not biased politically and their constant refrain about Fox being a tool of the alt-right, the MAGA movement or the evil Trump. These networks and the MOT are shameless in their distortion of the news in favor of the “progressive” left. Curiosity is dead and cats everywhere are thankful.

Remember “Curiosity killed the cat”. Source unknown.

Answers to the Pop Quiz:

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” Albert Einstein, a man of steroidal curiosity

“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” The ever lovely and winsome Eleanor Roosevelt

“Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” Samuel Johnson

“So blind is the curiosity by which mortals are possessed, that they often conduct their minds along unexplored routes, having no reason to hope for success, but merely being willing to risk the experiment of finding whether the truth they seek lies there.” Descartes

(5) Comments

  1. This paints a sad picture of the state of the union. Just a continuation of the previous posts about the deep state. Thanks for keeping it light with the Brycisms (“can now only be found on milk cartons.”…)

  2. I keep running the headline about what schools aren’t teaching children…I also can’t understand how allegations of voter fraud in the election have been “debunked” when there was never any attempt to reconcile the election…curiosity!!


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