Lies, Damned Lies and CNN

Pop Quiz:

What Governor said: “I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”?

A bureaucrat under what President made this obscene comment: “There are no government positions for Negroes in the South. A Negroes place is in the cornfield.”?

What US Senator said: “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”?

What scientist said: “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”?

What President said: “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pain to bring it to light.”?

What President said” “Any man who carries a hyphen about him carries a dagger which he is ready to plunge into the vitals of the Republic.”? The hyphen is a reference to hyphenated Americans

What President made this comment: “It cannot be thought that any single person or group shall ever have the right to determine what communications may be made to the American people.”?

Answers at the end of this post.

Racial Healing?

A 42 year old woman was being interviewed on one of the left leaning cable networks and she said, with a straight face, that race relations were never as bad as they have been in her lifetime. The interviewer did not rouse from her somnambulant state to explore the basis for that stunning and ignorant statement.

The decision was made to let the lie lie.

No question about Emmett Till the 15 year old Black who was brutally murdered by a mob of white men in 1955. What about the 3,446 Blacks lynched between 1882 and 1968…92% of which took place in states that comprised the Confederacy? Education in many Democrat run large cities is the functional equivalent of the education of Blacks in the ante-bellum South where it was against the law to teach Blacks to read or write. In 1898 an insurrection took place against the Black population of Wilmington, North Carolina. It was the result of a group of white men conspiring and leading a mob of 2,000 white men to overthrow the legitimately elected biracial government in that city. Scores of Blacks were massacred.

Do these data not support the argument that race relations in America have been far worse before this young woman was born? She is clearly ignorant of our nation’s slow but steady march toward racial equality. Didn’t we elect a Black President? You can bet that this benighted soul will slavishly (pun intended) vote for Democrat candidates only. Such Pavlovian voting is reinforced by CNN which continues to regurgitate the Charlottesville speech by Trump with appropriate edits and suggests endlessly that Trump is the reincarnation of Nathan Bedford Forrest.

The End is Near…see, e.g. Climate Change

The DC, Designated Candidate, of the Democrat Party stated unequivocally that climate change is real and must be addressed by the government. The rabidly uninquisitive media made no effort to challenge this dimwitted statement.

The decision was made to let the lie lie.

In 1969 Paul Ehrlich (in)famously stated that we were on the brink of the greatest cataclysm in history because we were running out of food and “destroying the life support systems” of earth. Still waiting. According to the Boston Globe in 1970 the “rate of increase in electric power generation” and the “demands for cooling water will boil dry the entire flow of rivers and streams of the continental United States”. Still waiting. In 1989 the AP reported: ” A senior environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” Still waiting. The august New York Times (NYT) reported in September 1995 that “most of the beaches on the East Coast would be gone in 25 years. They are already disappearing at an average of 2 to 3 feet a year”. Still waiting. The vaunted NYT in 2007 reported that the chairman of the IPCC said: “If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late.” Still waiting. The UK Independent announced in 2020 that the “clock reveals” that we have to tackle the climate crisis because we have only “7 years, 98 days and 15 hours” left. Synchronize watches!.

Our former President Barack Obama was a climate alarmist and was so concerned about the rising sea levels that he purchased three multi-million dollar beachfront properties.

The End is Near Part Deux…the events of January 6, 2021

January 6 is described by our ever inquisitive media as the greatest “insurrection” since the Democrats in the South seceded from the Union and established the Confederacy and the flag that elicits near violent reactions from the ill-informed.

The decision was made to let the lie lie.

Why did the January 6 committee destroy all of the communications to and from Nancy Pelosi from shortly before to shortly after the insurrection? Hiding something? Why did the House leadership refuse to allow the 14,000 hours of Capitol Hill video from January 6 to be made public? Hiding something? The video question was answered when Speaker Johnson gave Tucker Carlson access to the videos and we saw for the first time that the activities in the Capitol did not even rise to the level of a contretemps. The caterwauling from the Leftist media was priceless. Almost immediately after Carlson played the video tapes on his show Jacob Chansley, the Voldemort of our story, was released from prison…and no doubt reunited with the six Capitol policemen that were his escorts that day. Why won’t our very own Himmler, Christopher Wray, tell us how many FBI assets were present on Capitol hill that day? Hiding something? Why is Ray Epps still roaming free while “trespassers” on January 6 are languishing in jail almost four years after the event? Hiding something? Why is our brain dead president still reminding us that Brian Sicknick was killed by the mob on January 6? The video tapes show Sicknick very much alive throughout the event.

Our Quadrennial Russian Collusion Election Fire Drill

It remains an article of faith at CNN that Donald Trump is Vladimir Putin’s adopted son. There are still media references to Trump as the “Manchurian Candidate” even though Generations X, Y and Z have no idea what the term means.

The decision was made to let the lie lie.

As with Covid the Leftist media has no interest in the origin of the Steele Dossier. Hint: It was the Clinton Campaign. Why was the Mueller investigation not the coda to the entire matter? Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good narrative. Why did Christopher Steele’s refusal to produce any “evidence” of the claims in his dossier when he was under oath not raise at least a whisper of suspicion? Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good narrative. Why did Trump’s adoptive father keep his troops ensconced at home for four years between invasions of his neighbors during the Obama and Biden administrations? Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good narrative.

Flash: Putin endorses Kamala Harris! The leftist media immediately went into their “nothing to see here” mode suggesting that Putin was giving a wink and a nod to Trump voters.

The 3,000 Year Turmoil in the Middle East…made worse starting on May 14, 1948

The party line is that Israel is engaged in an ongoing genocide against the neighboring terrorists who are bound and determined to eradicate Israel from the map. This would necessarily require the slaughter of the Jews that try to live peacefully between the river and the sea. The CNN sycophants are usually unable to identify either the river or the sea as they chant “Death to the Jews”…probably sounds better in the original German.

The decision was made to let the lie lie.

Pop quiz: What actually happened on October 7, 2023? Kids gone wild at a music festival? The media suggest that Trump is anti-Jewish despite his Orthodox Jewish daughter and son-in-law. Please disregard the fact that immediately after purchasing Mar-a-Lago Trump removed all restrictions on Black and Jewish membership. CNN forgot to mention that anti-Jewish “incidents” reached an all-time high in 2023. We hear Hamas crickets.

Control the Guns and you Control the People

This just in…Kristi Noem shot and killed her family dog! The horror of it…order the confiscation of all guns from coast to coast. It will be the end of violence as we know it.

The decision was made to let the lie lie.

Perhaps someone should point out that shortly before the Nazis kicked off the Holocaust they confiscated guns owned by Jews which substantially reduced resistance to the arrest and transportation of the Jews to the death camps. Recently it was much ballyhooed by our Pravda-like media that the US ranks third in the world in homicides based on population. Beto O’Rourke was ready to swing into action. Then it was pointed out that when you removed the cities of Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, St. Louis, Philadelphia and Memphis (all of which are (a) run by Democrats and (b) have strict gun control laws) from the US numbers we rank third from the lowest in homicide rates. These data managed to escape the attention of the left wing media.

When You Can’t Beat Them…Censor Them

Our national court jester Robert Reich has suggested that Elon Musk should be arrested and sent to the Gulag because Musk allows open dialogue on X. Apparently Musk is yet another existential threat to civil order. That would be in addition to various and sundry deplorables, Donald Trump, the entirety of the MAGA world, Donald Trump, white supremacists, real or imagined, Donald Trump, 70 year old grandmothers praying at abortion clinics, Donald Trump, parents who feel they should have some small part in the education of their children and last and worst Donald Trump.

The decision was made to let the lie lie.

So it is no surprise that no one on the Left had any problem when Trump was banned from Facebook and Twitter because, well, because…of something. Our newly minted Democrat candidate has actually argued that all social media should adopt the same rules for excluding independent thinkers from their respective sites, free thinkers who hold ideas that are contrary to the zeitgeist. And who can forget the comedy stylings of Nina Jankowicz “expert on disinformation”, who had to sanitize her social media before she could become the exalted Grand Cyclops of the, happily, stillborn Disinformation Governance Board in 2020. FYI her #2 was to be Winston Smith. In the UK they are forcibly arresting people for simply making online statements that make people feel…uncomfortable. How about…

“Free speech is not just another value. It’s the foundation of Western civilization.” Good quote from Jordan Peterson but the authors of the Constitution said it best…

Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…enough said.

Two simple observations:

Prior to World War II the part of Germany that became East Germany had a substantially higher per capita income than the part that became West Germany. After the Berlin Wall fell (hat tip to Ronald Reagan) West Germany’s per capita income was 50% higher than in East Germany…communism does not work, QED.

This just in…CNN predicts that Kamala Harris will utter a diagrammable sentence before Election Day.

Answers to the Pop Quiz:

“I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” George Wallace, Alabama Governor back when race relations were better

“There are no government positions for Negroes in the South. A Negroes place is in the cornfield.” Head of Georgia office of IRS under Woodrow Wilson

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” the man who President Houseplant eulogized, Senator Robert Byrd

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Galileo Galilei, first victim of the argument that the science is settled

‘Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pain to bring it to light” George Washington

“Any man who carries a hyphen about him carries a dagger which he is ready to plunge into the vitals of the Republic.” Woodrow Wilson, Progressive

“It cannot be thought that any single person or group shall ever have the right to determine what communications may be made to the American people.” Elon Musk supporter Herbert Hoover

(8) Comments

  1. Just in time to help independent voters make up their minds.
    Coldest sentence in the post: …“ probably sounds better in the original German.…”

    • Hoover was a Progressive and a very smart man and I rate him in the bottom 10. Biden is the worst, Harding second worst, Wilson third worst, Obama fourth worst, LBJ, fifth worst, FDR sixth worst, Ford seventh worst, Carter eighth worst, Bush Sr. ninth worst and then Senor Hoover. Note that it is a rogues gallery of Dumocrats.
      Delighted to see you are a fan of censorship but your inane observations are always welcome here. It has the effect of making all my readers feel smarter.

    • History of our exchanges and your comment about Musk and Hoover. So riddle me this…do you support Musk making X a true marketplace of ideas or do you prefer Facebook, Google, the Biden administration, VP Harris, Merrick Garland, Christopher Ray…all believers in censoring any communications pointing out the fraud that is the so-called climate crisis, that Covid originated at the Wuhan Lab, or that Hunter’s laptop was real. State for the record that you favor free communication…we wait with bated breath. One thing is clear you are not a liberal

  2. Very good, succinct and insightful post. Also- hilarious as per usual. I heard a stat today that ABC World News Tonight has had a 100% positive reporting on the Harris campaign record to a 93% negative reporting record on the Trump campaign . Yet, they still call themselves “news” and not “propaganda”. Any chance Leni Riefenstahl came back from the dead and is now a producer at ABC?

  3. We have no fourth estate, which is essential to an educated citizenry.. I refer to the classical meaning of “educated,” not some kind of degree from an institution.
    I appreciate this blog because it presents facts along with its opinions. I’d be happy to see even more in the body of the blog after the history questions.
    If our citizens merely knew the difference between facts and opinions, and had a hunger to get the facts in all public matters, we’d have fewer incompetent leaders..
    Some may enjoy this discussion between Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly:
    Its main focus is the upcoming election; equally thought-provoking comments are about our challenging culture.

  4. “The decision was made to let the lie lie.”
    I’m not sure which is the greater danger to the grand experiment called the United States of America… is it the catastrophic results achieved in the almost 45 years since the Dept. of Education was created to improve our federal education system, or was it the ultimate final breadths of a functioning fourth estate , circa Jan 20, 2009.

    Not surprisingly, David Muir and Linsey Davis did not find one single instance of need to facvt check Kamala during the debates!


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