Emory University: Applied Ignorance

There are an amazing number of phobias but there is no term yet coined to define an irrational fear of words written on flat surfaces with chalk.  Yet apparently that very act reduces students at Emory University to a near vegetative state.  This is a manifestation of a high IQ: Ignorance Quotient.

Students claim to be “traumatized” by the word “Trump”.  One wonders how they play bridge at Emory…perhaps they have a bridge “safe zone”.  The school is providing counseling for the poor souls who had the misfortune of gazing upon the term “Trump 2016”.   Without a properly identified “phobia” how do they identify the basis for the treatment?

So what other mental health issues must Emory deal with?  Some students might suffer from ablutophobia.  Others from Sandersphobia which is a pathological fear of new ideas.  One can only assume that the Emory application process warns potential attendees that people suffering from coulrophobia should not consider Emory because of the possibility that they would be exposed to members of the school administration.  Clearly Emory students do not suffer from gelotophobia…the fear of being laughed at.

The issue may be that these poor benighted students are unable to deal with issues or concepts that do not fit into their Sesame Street universe.  But you must remember that, as one pundit observed, the opposite of diversity is university.  The real issue is that the students and the administrators who cater to these pusillanimous youngsters seek to suppress any idea that they can’t understand or which does not fit into their limited intellectual experience.  It is assumed, in their childlike world view, that the university, and ultimately the government, will keep them safe from ideas to which they have never before been exposed.  This is the basis of authoritarian or totalitarian rule.

Hugo Chavez, mourned to this day by the intellectually challenged Sean Penn, would not tolerate any disagreement with his policies.  He strictly controlled free speech even as he destroyed the country of Venezuela.  The Castro brothers, who induce from our president sycophantic worship, do not allow any public criticism of their malignant administration of Cuba.  Dissidents are silenced and incarcerated.  Even their hired assassin Che Guevara is adored by the left.   In the end it will be easy for a government to control today’s college students because they are seeking protection from anything that they irrationally fear.  Ignorance is actually comforting to them.

Schools now provide safe zones for students who are simply incapable of dealing with anyone or anything with which they disagree or which they do not comprehend.  The last thing we want is for young inquiring minds (assuming that such things exist) to have to defend their political or philosophical positions.  This suggests that they are not actually learning but rather are being indoctrinated by the professoriat.  Introduce facts into the mix and the whole thing goes thermonuclear.  The typical college class is a great example of the blind leading the blind.  Academia is an insular fantasy land surrounded by reality, a reality that students are not equipped to deal with.

I have taught for more than a decade at the university level and it is depressing to watch students collapse like souffles when you push back on them.  Trying to get them to articulate or defend a position is a fool’s errand.  Yet my classes were always popular because, as it turns out, some students want to be taught about the “real” world.  It gave me hope.  As does a recent poll of Sanders supporters suggesting that they were not all in if the “free” programs would ultimately have to be paid for.  It is rewarding when reality creeps into the protective cocoon in which our children reside.

These young students suffer from eleutherophobia…a fear of freedom.  Because liberty, as opposed to being libertine, requires responsibility and the left has worked diligently to remove individual responsibility from the American ethos.  In some states they do not keep score in children’s sports events.  Curiously when you ask any participant the score of the game they know it precisely.  The goal is to make everyone feel good about themselves, to postpone the trauma that reality brings to our lives.  Progressives are convinced of their own intellectual superiority which in turn justifies their desire to control those that they consider the common masses.  They win when the sheep obediently follow their prescriptive management of the world around them.  A safe zone at a university is a symptom of this control…trust us and all will be well.

The second element of the progressive program is the use of fear.  Anthropogenic global climate change is the perfect example.  Few people understand the fraud that is being perpetrated but the claimed possibility that we will be washed away by the rising oceans next Thursday seems to work.  The constant refrain that racism is running rampant ensures that there will be eternal friction between the races even with a Black president.  Liberals clearly do not understand math as evidenced, for example, by the balancing of the budget and the national debt.  But they do embrace one mathematical concept…division.  Old versus young, men versus women, black versus white, rich versus poor, gay versus straight, humans versus snail darters.  And yet recently a candidate on the left accused the Republicans of being divisive.  Chutzpah is defined as a person accused of killing his parents asking the court for mercy because he is an orphan.  It also applies to the political arguments of the left.  All they require is ignorance of the populace…they can almost declare success.

Line of the year: Obama claims that the Islamic State of the Levant is not Islamic.  Sort of like Clinton trying to define “is”.

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