The White Knight is Talking Backward

Pop Quiz

Who said: “To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much more nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true.”

How about: “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.”

One more: “Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.”

Answers at the end of the post.

Jessica Krug, a professor of African Studies at George Washington University, was born Jewish. At some point she became black and built her academic career on her newly acquired race. This magical transition presents two interesting observations: (1) she moved up on the discrimination chart from the most victimized group; and, (2) she demonstrated that being black provides tangible benefits calling out the lie that there is systemic racism in America. Two points worth pondering.

America is awash with hypocrisy. Nanny Pelosi and her mask free blow out at a local salon shows she is above the law as are most members of our ruling class. The mayor of Philadelphia, who imposed a ban on dining inside in the City of Brotherly Love, hastened to Maryland to enjoy a pleasant meal, mask free, in a restaurant. Lori Lightweight, Mayor of the free fire zone known as Chicago, employs armed police to protect her neighborhood while supporting the defunding of police for the common folk. Fredo Cuomo jokes with one of the great legal minds in America, Michael Cohen, about fondling women on elevators after condemning Brett Kavanaugh. Apparently complaints have been filed against the man who spent too much time in the chlorine laden Cuomo gene pool.

But these are just minor league hypocrisies. In October 2016 candidate Trump suggested in a debate that he might not accept the results of the election if the pillar of integrity Hilliary Clinton won. The hue and cry was immediate and thermonuclear. He was excoriated by the chattering class from coast to coast. The Democrat machine was shocked, shocked, that Trump would utter such a blasphemy. It was a challenge to the very sanctity of the election process. This from the party that is home to such paragons of electoral virtue as LBJ and Richard (Vote early and vote often) Daley and which supported Al Gore’s successful effort to disallow the Florida ballots of US military personnel in 2000 who voted while on active duty outside the US.

The Democrats still refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election. They argued vehemently that Trump’s victory was illegitimate because he was a Russian asset. They claimed that he profited by the illegal intervention of Vladimir Putin. They impeached him based on the preposterous claim that there was collusion between Russia and his campaign team. They threw a huge political tantrum when they were unable to prove anything as a result of the investigations conducted by such unbiased luminaries as Adam Schiff for brains and the Bidenesque Robert Mueller. The cost of all their machinations was the ruination of the reputations of the FBI and the sainted James Comey. Don’t forget Stacy Abrams who still believes that she won the governorship Georgia, all evidence to the contrary.

Now we are in the midst of what will prove to be the most significant election in more than 100 years. How do they view the sanctity of our elections in 2020? The sainted, self-righteous Hilliary Clinton has advised the dullard Joe Biden, bless his heart, that he should never, ever, under any circumstances concede the election. In short he should not accept the results of the election. Prepare yourself for a veritable firestorm of criticism from our media. That firestorm will be followed by parade of purple unicorns, peaceful protestors in Portland and Democrats with three digit IQ’s. And now back to reality.

The simple solution is to go down to the Biden basement on November 4th and tell somnambulant Joe that he won the election and that he is now the President of Dahomey. Administer the oath of office and leave him to his tinker toys and tapioca.

How many Democrats does it take to solve a problem? No one knows because it has never happened. Case in point the Wuhan Red Death, aka COVID 19. The Democrats fervently believe that Trump created the virus in the very White House basement that Joe Biden hopes to be residing in on January 21, 2021. Trump has handled this pandemic the way a business manager would deal with it. This is exactly opposite the way a politician would act…by kicking the can until a capitalist can find a solution.

The President faces a host of opposing forces which seem bent on: (1) extending the pandemic until after the election; and, (2) manipulating the people through fear and ignorance. Take Anthony Fauci (please) who is taking full advantage of his 15 minutes of fame. We have found the Fauci family crest…a red weather vane on a green field. Fitting in light of Fauci’s inconsistent and erratic pontifications.

The arguments for and against the use of hydroxychloroquine (hydroxy) to “treat” COVID have become the subject of political rather than medical discussions. The drug has been used successfully for more than 60 years and has been approved by every regulatory agency in the world. There are countries in Africa where hydroxy is regularly used to treat malaria (which is back with a vengeance since DDT was banned…hat tip to Rachel Carson) and those countries have almost no COVID impact. The moment Trump said he was using hydroxy as a prophylactic measure there was immediate opposition on the left perhaps because they were afraid it would work and keep Orange Man alive.

A flawed study conducted by a medical researcher reached the conclusion that the use of hydroxy carried great risk. Based on this study the use of the drug was banned in many areas of the country…try all the blue states. Turns out that the study did not receive adequate peer review and has now been pulled. Maybe there should be a new to study to show how many people may have died because it was banned. The real travesty in this medical debate is the fact that doctors and researchers who supported the use of hydroxy were censored on the internet. Twitter and Facebook accounts were shut down. Vigorous debate and intellectual curiosity have always been a linchpin of political dialogue in our country. Sadly Google opposes such debate.

Pavlov would be proud of how the left uses the word “science”, as in “the science is settled”, to avoid actually discussing facts (not to be confused with truth). AOC would have as much chance of defining the word science as she would the word gynotikolobomassophile (yes it is a real word). Most politicians are unable to deal with facts that are used to rebut their policy statements. Anthropogenic global climate change is the best example. They rely exclusively on models to bolster their apocalyptic predictions of pending doom and models are generally subject to the maxim: garbage in, garbage out. The data on COVID are being reported based on subjective analysis. The latest example was the hyperventilation on the left when Trump accepted the Republican nomination in front of a live audience outside the White House. The word “super-spreader” was coined to describe the likely impact of this event. Turns out the fearmongering was more like a manure spreader. Several medical experts pointed out that COVID does not spread in outdoor settings. Which begs the question…why are sports teams playing in empty stadiums? Outdoors, open air…

Yet the facts are ignored when politicians make their policy diktats. California closed their schools yet the number of children under 18 who have died in that state of COVID is…ZERO! In addition there are apparently no examples of kids taking COVID home to grandma. Raise these points to a moronic governor like Roy Cooper and you will receive the spastic response that we have to rely on the “science”…which is obviously untrue. MENSA dedicates no resources to scouting the political class for new recruits. Try studying the positions of: Alex Berenson, Scott Atlas, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi all of whom are super-spreaders of the truth about COVID.

Pop quiz answers: HL Mencken, JFK and Ambrose Bierce.

(5) Comments

  1. It feels we’re headed towards a civil war. It starts with social unrest fueled by sinister encouragement from the media. Gun sales are spiking… further confirmation that my fellow citizens thinks like me. What can possibly save us?

    “chlorine laden Cuomo gene pool.”… classic.

    • We can be saved if our schools begin to teach instead of indoctrinate and we return to family values. Also it would help to reduce chlorine levels in gene pools

  2. Finding hypocrisy in Washington DC and in the once heralded fourth estate is so easy, a cave man could do it. It has become so commonplace, that pointing it out to the American voter is greeted with blank stares, as if to seriously ask “So what’s your point?”
    I hypothesize that the reason it is ignored and/or accepted can be found in an earlier post, “Mencken was right…” And the reason it has become so ubiquitous is due to an epidemic of solipsism among the leftist leadership.


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