A Blissful Electorate

Pop Quiz:

What politician said: “The only safe rule is the Constitution itself.”?

What President said: “Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth cannot be produced by human institutions.”?

What political genius (oxymoron alert) said: “Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”?

What media giant said: “News organizations…have to have the guts and the backbone to dig into stories that people in power don’t want the public to know.”?

Answers at the end of this post.

What follows will come as complete surprise to those who get their “news” from CNN, MSDNC and/or the mainstream networks like NBC. This post was inspired by a friend who told me that he golfs regularly with a retired high ranking military officer. The officer follows the news closely. The fact that he has to replace a divot in the green if you mention Trump’s name while he addresses a short putt will make clear his political proclivities. He had never heard of the Hunter Biden laptop story because he watches CNN.

This post is a random collection of facts and observations intended to provoke thought, curiosity and point out that the aforementioned Democrat party stenographers masquerading as “news” outlets are merely perpetuating an ignorance that is the foundation upon which leftist policies are built.

From our environmental recycling department: The opposite of “diversity” is “university”…especially for political thought.

Promise made: Bring manufacturing jobs back to America. Remember that Obama, the leading exporter of US jobs, ridiculed the idea by asking if Trump had a magic wand. Promise kept: Several hundred thousand jobs returned home thereby answering the magic wand question.

Now about that event on Capitol Hill… Senator Schumer has accused Trump of “inciting an erection” which I assume was one of the impeachment charges against Bill Clinton. The story continues to grow like Topsy. It is routinely stated on CNN that people with weapons breached the Capitol Building but there is NO evidence that anyone had weapons…perhaps with the exception of Senator Ted Cruz who was, according to the fevered mind of AOC, prowling the halls looking to shoot her. The only shooting was executed by a Capitol policeman who shot and killed an unarmed woman.

Despite all facts to the contrary it is an article of faith on the left that Trump incited the mob to violence (Note that the word “mob” was forbidden when describing the Fa-Antifa and SBLM thugs who laid siege to a number of Democrat run cities) which actually started before he even took the podium. As a reference point it should be noted that Trump held some 50 rallies during the 2020 election cycle without a single violent demonstration, a single building burned to the ground, a single business looted or a single member of the police injured!

Promise made: The US embassy in Israel would be moved to Jerusalem the ancient capital of the Jewish people. Promise kept.

Irony: The higher the level of CO2 the more robust our plant life. It is ironic that the folks who want to dramatically reduce CO2 which will adversely impact plant life are part of the GREEN movement.

And what exactly is wrong with global warming? The Roman Warming period was home to the Golden Ages of Greece and Rome. The Medieval Warming Period ended the Dark Ages during which life was “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”. FYI: four times as many people die every year from cold than heat.

Promise made: What do the Blacks have to lose by voting Republican? Promise kept: Lowest Black unemployment since they started keeping statistics, Enterprise Zones caused a huge increase in new Black small businesses and the First Step Act signed into law by Trump addressing the need for prison reform.

The Biden administration is seeking to develop an overarching message. Thus far they seem to have embraced a low IQ theme. Biden is the dumbest person ever to take the presidential oath. His lesser half first lady Jill Biden has received a PhD which was likely treated for tax purposes by the University of Delaware as a charitable contribution. VP Kamala Harris makes Dan Quayle look like a charter member of MENSA. Miguel Cardona, nominee for Secretary of Education, appears to be unable to understand that allowing biological males to compete in girl’s high school sports is an act of misogyny. Fauci stays in place, enough said. John Kerry defends his use of a private jet by pointing out how important he is. You probably get the point by now.

Special mention to Jen Psaki. Her press conferences have fewer media participants because the press room requires several banks of headlights into which she stares like a deer. Her recurring response is “I will circle back on that” which translates to: “I don’t really understand your question and would have no intelligible response in any case.” And never ever let Psaki be in line ahead of you at the newly established word salad bar in the White House Mess.

Hypocrisy alert: The members of the SF Board of Uneducation have removed the name of Abraham Lincoln from an elementary school because it is said that he did not really believe that “black lives matter” in his personal life. The decision is hailed by Democrat Senators with offices in the Richard Russell Senate Office Building which, of course, is white. We believe that the evidence of Lincoln’s personal thoughts was provided by Facebook and Twitter.

Promise made: US trade deals work against America and need to be renegotiated. Promise kept: USMCA replaces NAFTA which was a conveyor belt for jobs moving to Mexico and Trans Pacific Trade Agreement signed.

The depth of Trump Derangement Syndrome is coming into focus. The cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline will increase carbon emissions (more trucks will be required to move oil) and it will inevitably increase the price of gasoline but it may be that the real target is the union members who lost their jobs because it turns out that 90% of them voted for the hated Orange man.

Promise made: US will become energy independent. Promise kept: US became an exporter of energy until five minutes after Biden’s inauguration.

We are researching whether American bankers and hedge fund managers were the inspiration for Leonard Wibberley’s classic, The Mouse that Roared. No matter how many times they make idiotic decisions that would inevitably lead to bankruptcy the federal government will bail them out! The Duchy of Grand Fenwick understood that phenomenon.

Let’s put COVID in perspective. In the past 200 years 1 billion people have died of tuberculosis which is about 5 million per year. Are we driven to find a cure? The answer is no despite the fact that TB has a disproportionate adverse impact on people of color.

Speaking of which…Neil Ferguson the British chap who testified as an epidemiologist in support of the catastrophic death projections of COVID deaths (500,000 in the UK alone) is neither an epidemiologist nor a medical doctor but rather a theoretical physicist. Which makes sense because his projections were purely theoretical. Paul Ehrlich call your office.

Fredo Cuomo, victim of too much chlorine in the family gene pool, actually said in defense of Fa-Antifa: “It’s not about being right in the eyes of the law, but you also have to know what’s right and wrong-in a good and evil sense…that’s why people who show up to fight against bigots are not to be judged the same as the bigots, even if they do resort to some kinds of petty violence.” Clearly he regularly dines at the word salad bar. Fredo is a recipient of a law degree from the David Copperfield, Master of Illusion, School of Law at Yale. Degrees appear as if by magic!

Promise made: The flow of illegal aliens at the southern border will be stopped. Promise kept: The fence was extended and the number of illegal crossings dropped dramatically thereby reducing US unemployment and increasing wages. Biden has, in the words of Chris Plante, rung the dinner bell summoning a new wave of illegal immigrants. One wonders how they will test for COVID…maybe announcing future testing will be by anal swab will reduce the flow of illegals!

Susan Rice is the First Minister of Social Justice and Equity. The job description alone will be worth reading as the terms used defy definition. The real problem is that Rice treats the truth like a rabid dog. Remember her Pinocchio like performance after Benghazi. Diogenes would not even waste his time with her!

This just in: Australian scientists have determined that cooling and warming periods are cyclical and not impacted by human activity. Al Gore call your office.

This site has on several occasions referred to our federal government as a kakistocracy (government by the least competent) but if Kamala Harris becomes president we will have to use the word Cacklestocracy.

Did you know that the entire government of the Confederate States was comprised of Democrats?

Alex Berenson has written several very informative pamphlets entitled Unreported Truths about COVID 19. He self-published using Amazon but his initial submission was rejected. He was told he had to remove all references to “COVID 19”. Rather like taking the position that they will publish your Bible if you remove all of those pesky references to God. We can’t afford to offend the atheists can we?

Bjorn Lomborg in his excellent book False Alarm suggests early on with absolute certitude that climate change is caused by “burning fossil fuels”. Several chapters later he blithely mentions that 130,000 years ago the temperatures were much higher. After consulting Google Maps we have been unable to identify a single fossil fuel plant operating at that time.

Hypocrisy alert: Jeff Bezos, majordomo of Amazon, also owns the Washington Post. The Post avers that the mere mention of the possibility of voter fraud in the 2020 election is a lie and such heresy will not go unpunished. The Ministry of Truth agrees absolutely. It is interesting to learn that an Amazon facility in Alabama is facing a union election. Bezos’ legal team has gone to court to bar the use of absentee ballots because it would inevitably lead to fraud. Say what?

Promise made: We will drain the swamp. Promise NOT kept: Turns out the swamp is larger than anyone thought, is completely bi-partisan and does not react well to threats. The Russian collusion hoax was merely the first line of defense.

Has PETA run out of substantive issues? They now want to ban fly swatters. Will banning screen doors be next? A lobby group called Friends of the Fly is active in this matter. Note that the Tsetse fly is a major infestation in sub-Saharan Africa…is PETA a racist organization? Remember that the worldwide DDT ban wrought havoc on the same area.

We are facing record cold in Asia and there was a devastating snowfall in Madrid. The Russian climate model predicted global cooling for the next 35-40 years. Fire up those closed coal plants!

As much of this information is censored by the so-called mainstream media it is safe to say that we have the happiest leftist voters in the world because, after all, ignorance is bliss.

Pop quiz answers: The first is from John C. Calhoun. The second is from the first Democrat President Andrew Jackson. The third was uttered by our new VP Kamala Harris as part of her ongoing effort to prove she is dumber than Biden. Google maps is working on getting us all to that same place. The last is from the totally discredited Dan Rather. It is, in fact, what a free and non-partisan press should be doing. Bonus points if you can identify the last time CNN reported something that people in power did not want the masses to know.

(4) Comments

  1. This has to be the most entertaining post so far! well done. The winner of the funniest Brycism: “Rice treats the truth like a rabid dog”… and an honorable mention go to the hilarious and appropriate reference to Diogenes – all in the same paragraph!
    Confession: I had to google “kakistocracy”. The first four letter were just too coincidently appropriate for such a term.
    Lastly, I am sadden by the fact that we now finally have tighter media censorship and establishment propaganda than the Russians do. At least most Russians know they’re exposed to it… most Americans seem blissfully ignorant.

  2. I love this post. It just gets better and better. Well
    Done. We are proud of you and you inspire us with your knowledge and wit. Lots of love, Your kids

  3. An extremely entertaining perspective of the first 20 days of the Biden “Basement Presidency”. Although, I wish you’d included how Joe has singlehandedly “fixed” the terrible vaccine distribution plan in which President Trump left them “starting from scratch.”

  4. Brilliant. I particularly liked your references to the mainstream media; a.k.a. PRAVDA.. The process of news reporting is quite simply the Democrat party putting out a narrative followed by PRAVDA reporting it as the gospel truth, reminiscent of the lies perpetrated by the Soviet Union then reported by the original PRAVDA as truth.


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