Worse Than a Kakistocracy

Pop Quiz

Who said: “Black trans and cis women, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy.”?

How about: “No government survives without the will of a majority of its people.”?

What President said: “These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power, to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives.”?

Who asked the question: “Who is John Galt?”

Who said: “There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow you could even-you could even rig American’s elections…”?

People wonder what happened to the man with the two digit IQ who descended into dementia. Answer: He became President in 2021.

The media continue to act as human shields to protect Biden from himself. His public appearances could be a reality show on Comedy Central. But don’t challenge our masters in Washington. Derek Chauvin finds that his tax returns have been leaked, Rudy Giuliani is subjected to a jackbooted assault on his personal residence, and the Ministry of Truth (Facebook) bans Trump for the rest of his life while Hunter Biden, multiple felon, is invited to speak at Tulane University. This is like a trip through Timothy Leary’s brain.

Sadly it is a given that there will be no meaningful inquiry into the political proclivities and motives of Biden’s advisors and supporters. Here is something to whet your appetite.

The twin towers of ignorance, aka the intellectual munchkins, AOC and Rashida Tlaib, are members of the Democratic Socialists of America. The “constitution” of that august body states: “We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality and non-oppressive relationships.” This tripe was put together at a high end word salad bar. The dressing is undiluted vainglory. Let’s parse this soaring rhetoric in search of substance.

  1. “vision of a humane social order”: The track record of socialism suggests a lack of understanding of exactly what the word “humane” means. Humane covers actions that are intended to have a civilizing or refining effect on people. It is difficult, indeed, to square that definition with the socialist utopias that are Venezuela and Cuba. There has never been a suggestion that applied socialism has ever appealed to our better angels. Suggested reading: United States of Socialism by Dinesh D’Souza and The Case Against Socialism by Rand Paul.
  2. “popular control of resources and production, economic planning”: Hubris on steroids. The same people who think they can control the incredibly complex system that is global climate firmly believe they can manage worldwide resources and production. The folks making this argument would be hard pressed to organize a one car parade. What would happen if socialists were in charge of the Sahara desert? Nothing for 50 years and then there would be a shortage of sand. Suggested reading: Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman and Wealth and Poverty by George Gilder.
  3. “equitable distribution”: It has been suggested that if you put 100 people on an island and gave them each $1,000 that you would find, after ten years, that 10 of the people would have $80,000 and the rest would be struggling to survive. Why should we think that these altruistic souls would manage the distribution any more effectively? Note that one of the founders of (Some) Black Lives Matter owns five houses including a $1.4 million pad in Topanga Canyon. Perhaps we should request a specific definition of “equitable distribution”.
  4. “feminism, racial equality”: Shouldn’t equality cover everyone or are we to believe Eric Blair when he wrote in Animal Farm that “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others”. The entire Democrat agenda, perhaps driven by guilt after almost 200 years of Black repression, is built on assigning a privileged status to any group that can confect an array of grievances to address their disappointment with the outcome of their life choices. Someone else is always at fault. This is a foolish and unobtainable goal suggesting a dangerous naivete about the world in which we all live. What are the criteria for picking the “winners”?
  5. “non-oppressive relationships”: The history of the world is one long catalog of “oppressive” behavior. It is the very nature of humanity and it would be instructive to ask the socialists how this has been managed in the various socialist experiments that fill the dustbins of recent history. Every political history devolves into a social order that is comprised of the elites and the deplorables. A great example is the rigid caste system in India which began about 1500 B.C. The great crime of Donald Trump was the exposure of the progressive social order and the political caste system that dominates the United States. It is also on full display at the United Nations where arrogance and ignorance are the earmarks of every authoritarian policy espoused. To end oppression would require the dissolution of all governments and that is one thing the left will never accept as the power of governance is their heroin.

The problem we face is that an unchecked media, including the Ministry of Truth, refuse to allow a vigorous debate of the agenda of the progressive movement. There is no effort to ask the hard questions that AOC, Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Biden team should have to answer about their vision of our national future. They wish, instead, to maintain the crippling ignorance about how the world has always worked without serious examination of how the self-nominated intellectual elites intend to keep the tumbrils rolling. History is not taught today and what passes for history is distorted beyond recognition. The “education” system (read: propaganda system) distributes meaningless bromides from Pez dispensers comfortable that they will not be held responsible for the foreseeable and inevitable consequences of their inane policies. Suggested reading: The Ruling Class by Angelo Codevilla and The Vision of the Anointed by Thomas Sowell.

A wonderful example of the manipulation of the news is the so-called insurrection on January 6, 2021. The effort to tie this storming of the Congress/Bastille to President Trump is the 13th labor of Hercules. Yet as we get more information we find it actually resembles the eternal punishment of Sisyphus. The tragic death of Brian Sicknick was originally reported as a “murder” carried out by a Trump supporter who allegedly assaulted Sicknick with a fire extinguisher. Total myth…he died of natural causes, to wit several strokes. The one violent death was the shooting of an unarmed woman by a unnamed Capitol policeman. She was a veteran who was climbing through a window at the Capitol…one of many who entered the Capitol the same way.

What is striking is the level of effort that has gone into identifying every person who was at the Capitol on that date. They have tracked texts and emails and to date they have identified about 150 people. Yet in June of 2020 there were several days of riots at or near the White House. They were a sufficient threat that the first family was moved, for security reasons, to an underground bunker. There has been no effort to identify the Fa-Antifa and SBLM thugs who carried out the lawless attacks probably because there were no MAGA hats to be seen. Perhaps we should apply that equality vision that appears in the Democratic Socialist “constitution”.

Things to ponder:

Charles Dickens traveled the US in 1867-68 and he saw the future greatness of our country: “There is incompleteness everywhere your eyes rest”. A man with crystal vision.

Pundit Samuel Francis made the poignant observation that globalization (the wet dream of all progressives) is “the managed destruction of the nation, its sovereignty, its culture and its people.” Try to imagine our simple-minded President attempting to utter that simple statement.

At one point Bank of America put braille on the keyboards in their drive through lanes…obviously HR was the progenitor of that act of genius.

Poverty had declined for a period of 20 years following World War II! LBJ must have seen that such a trend might undermine the Democrat policy of ensuring total dependence on the government so he started the War on Poverty which had the predictable effect of arresting the decline in poverty.

Fredrick Douglass was asked what must be done with the recently freed slaves. His response applies today: “Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us…If the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone…If you will only untie his hands and give him a chance. I think he will live.” We need to hear words like this today.

Did you know that in 1868 there were 550,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan? All Democrats. Today there are less than 3,000 Klansmen. Shouldn’t progressives see this as PROGRESS!

Quiz answers: Fauxchontas herself, Elizabeth Warren, soaring to new levels of idiocy. Michael Bloomberg waxing rhapsodical about Xi Jinping needing to please his “electorate”. What is his support among the Uighur population? Donald Trump at the Davos climate event in 2020…I defy Jen Psaki to challenge what he said. Ayn Rand in the Libertarian classic Atlas Shrugged. Pope Barack Obama I before the 2016 election…apparently Hilliary did not get the message!

(3) Comments

  1. Oh my…there are so many nuggets of golden wisdom and wit in this blog, that to single out any for comment would do injustice to those not mentioned. But a question that did plague me as I read was, “How did our inefficient, often error prone, formerly well meaning, now bloated, patently flawed but brilliantly conceived Republic slide so far down the slope as to reach kakistocacy status?”

    So, during my delightful 18 hole round today, I pondered the possibilities.
    First to mind, was the cause could be the complete failure of our education system, grade school through University levels. I couldn’t dismiss this one, but it did not satisfy as the singular overwhelming genesis.
    A second culprit could be the Fourth Estate’s total abdication of responsibility to faithfully report facts. Again, while hard to dismiss, I would be flattering the media to assign such power.
    A third possibility is a dramatic deterioration of the intellectual gene pool, however, I know too many dazzlingly bright people for that to be the source.
    Another option, the fifth, is that hoards of physically superior, mentally inferior folks have frightened those more competent into acquiescence. I don’t think this has happened YET!
    Number six could be that the Peter Principle was stolen from corporate America by Washington DC. But even if I combine it with Murphy’s Law, this possibility seems too simplistic.
    My seventh and final thought is that we gradually, over the past 40 years, transformed into a gerontocracy, which, almost by definition, is the final stage before Kakistocracy.
    To be sure, where America is today is likely caused by a mosaic of all the above and maybe more. But the author may agree to which item was the tipping point, due to his opening sentence in this blog…”People wonder what happened to the man with the two digit IQ who descended into dementia. Answer: He became President in 2021.”

  2. Fairly disturbing view of our society, which you suggest is degenerating. I still believe that despite the media’s propaganda efforts the good citizens of this country will come to their senses. At some point the average American will find all this unbearable.
    When you quoted the “ twin towers of ignorance” I thought it was a passage from Das Kapital.


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