A Ship of Fools

Pop Quiz

In what year (plus or minus 10) was this said: The earth is “fast becoming an unfit home for its noblest inhabitants” due to “climatic excess, as to threaten the deprivation, barbarism, and perhaps even extinction of the species.”

Who said: “All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win the world is for enough good men to do nothing.”?

Who defined the Presidency as “the greased pig in the field game of American politics.”?

What President said: “Think more of what you can do for your government than what your government can do for you.”?

Washington was atwitter. The media were abuzz with anticipation. It was announced that our President would be appearing in the White House Rose Garden. The public prepared for another gafferama replete with stillborn thoughts and dyslexic numerology. The media were already preparing print and cable stories about his soaring rhetoric and marveling at his ability to string together two or three complete sentences. A gaggle of “experts” was on hand to interpret his more mystifying utterances and fill the interstitial gaps in logic and history. It was, alas, all for naught as President Houseplant was merely going to the Rose Garden for an aphid treatment.

We mourn the loss of an honest and questioning media. As well the death of intellectual integrity. How else can you explain the actions of those who watch and report on the doings on the national stage with all the sensory perception of your favorite pet rock?

When Trump left office there was an outbreak of peace in the Middle East. Iran’s economy was weakened despite the huge capital injection from Herr Obama. Trump turned off the spigot so terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah were quiescent. A number of treaties had been negotiated between Israel and their historic adversaries in the area. Civilian populations could go about their business without fear of attack. Then the Biden administration hinted that they intended to breathe life into the Iran deal that Trump walked away from and we were, yet again, rewarded with an example of the Democrats inability to understand the concept of unintended (but obvious) consequences. Hamas begins to rain missiles down upon Jerusalem and Israel is forced to respond. AOC, never wanting to miss an opportunity to look like an idiot, ignores the actions of Hamas choosing instead to accuse Israel of “terrorism” for defending itself. The momentum of peace in the Middle East has been stopped, we hope temporarily..

Trump builds a wall and, stunningly, illegal immigration is reduced to a trickle. Without the influx of unskilled, low paid, labor wages increase in America and unemployment sees record low levels. And those horror stories about unaccompanied children at the border all but disappear. Then the Biden administration issues an invitation to anyone wishing to avail themselves of our generosity thereby creating a “crisis” at the border. Suddenly we have record numbers of children apparently escaping from abusive parents and being dropped off at the border by agents of Mexican Child Protective Services, aka coyotes. Parker Brothers has put out a new game, Mexican Roulette, because a large number of illegal immigrants are COVID positive. No singing at your daughter’s wedding on orders from the COVID police who, apparently, have no time to control the COVID influx at the border.

In 2020 the US achieved energy independence thanks to our former President. Gasoline prices were down and we were exporting energy to the rest of the world. Then the Biden administration shuts down a few pipelines and energy independence goes out the window. Work has begun on a high speed rail line to Hawaii. And that may be the most reasonable project they are working on.

Inflation was not an issue from 2017 through 2020. Now there are signs that the inflationary pressures caused by profligate spending are beginning to be felt. We may hear shortly that an expert in managing inflation, Jimmy Carter, will be coming out of retirement to join the Biden team, i.e. the Star Wars Cantina scene. Inflation is to the nation’s economy what the Wuhan Red Death is to the nation’s health.

These are the accomplishments in the first 100 days of our special needs President. Note that the media stenographic pool has reported on none of these devolutionary achievements. Such is the mendacity of the Ministry of Truth.

Yet they report with a straight face the incredible, thought to be impossible, heroic conquest of the COVID pandemic by Team Biden. There is no doubt a motion picture in the works to memorialize the success story. Our Vice President in absentia actually stated, in public, that the Biden Administration had to start from scratch on the vaccine program. This mind-numbing prevarication went largely unchallenged by the Ministry of Truth. Biden struts about (happily no stairs involved) claiming to have increased vaccinations to one million per week, a dramatic jump from the mere 950,000 weekly that were being given in January under Trump. We find it ironic that Biden takes full credit for the accomplishments of the Trump administration with regard to COVID without either attribution or comment by the media. Is that because it is a distraction from damage done as discussed above?

So with the media sleeping soundly on the bridge what other stories are not being reported? The spin required to slant the news is positively dizzying!

Biden states the he is “not a deficit spender”. Richard Nixon, who received one of the most successful charisma bypasses ever performed, observed once about the rate of Federal spending: “A billion here, a billion there and pretty soon you are talking about real money.” With Biden change the word billion to trillion! The press has failed to inquire as to how we will be paying for a COVID relief bill that has almost nothing to do with COVID, and the infrastructure bill that has almost nothing to do with infrastructure. Rumpelstiltskin call your office.

The Biden NSA team has put forth the argument that the single biggest terror threat in the US is “white supremacists”. No mention of SBLM and Fa-Antifa which are feverishly destroying Democrat run cities from coast to coast. Every time there is a shooting incident with multiple victims the tone and intensity of the reportage directly depends on the race of the shooter(s). If the culprit turns out to be a person of color the story just disappears as if by magic.

The Ministry of Truth and Liz Cheney have made the case that questioning the integrity of the 2020 election is a thought crime. If you opine on social media that there was fraud in the vote counting you are immediately banned from the various platforms for “lying”. So riddle me this: If the leftist establishment is so positively certain that the vote was on the level why do they oppose so violently an audit of the election? Shouldn’t they be interested in proving their case and forever shutting up the right? The DOJ has threatened several states that intend to do a forensic audit of the Biden/Trump election. What are they so afraid of? And if they find fraud wouldn’t we all agree that we need to understand what happened in order to fix the problem? Basically the argument is…please ignore the man behind the curtain. This is the stuff of banana republic elections.

The simple minds on the left spend all their time identifying the forces of evil against which they tilt continuously. The big three are Christianity, whiteness and capitalism. Let’s take a look at the last one because we can be assured that very few people can even define capitalism. Capitalism is an “economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state”. The key to capitalist success is freedom and private property, two things that are anathema to the likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders. There are silly suggestions that somehow capitalism is “racist”…an exercise in anthropomorphism. Then again attaching anything to racism has replaced the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. AOC seems to miss the obvious point that socialism would have no appeal if capitalism hadn’t created so much wealth for so many people. If AOC contributes her brain to science it will be transported to the laboratory in a shot glass.

News and Notes

Three young women, all first year students at U Mass-Amherst, went to a party off campus. They followed the CDC and Massachusetts guidelines suggesting that there is no need to wear a mask at outdoor events. As the party was outdoors they did not wear masks. Little did they know that a former officer of Stasi was at the party and this person took a picture of the mask-less revelers and sent it to the school administration. The U Mass Gestapo immediately swung into action. They expelled the three students, refusing to allow them to take their final exams. They are making them reapply to the school in the Fall. A scary glimpse of what this country will look like if we fail to reign in the leftist/progressives.

At Disneyland there is a Snow White exhibit. As the story goes Snow white ate the poison apple and fell into a coma that could only be ended with true love’s kiss. Prince Charming arrives and plants the kiss and she awakens and they live happily ever after. Cut! A complaint has been registered that the kiss was not consensual (duh! she was in a coma) so the exhibit has been closed. Mencken observed that a Puritan “has the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be having fun.” Seems the woke folks have the same morbid fear.

The People’s Republic of China has massively increased greenhouse gas emissions and the overwhelming response to this data point is…crickets!

From the veritable truism department: Quote from the 1970’s: “I am fighting poverty. I work. Have you tried it? It works”. Too true.

George Perkins Marsh, 1864, during a little ice age. Edmund Burke who some believe was the father of conservatism. Ambrose Bierce, noted contrarian. Warren Harding in 1923…plagiarized by JFK.

(2) Comments

  1. Wow! Most entertaining political commentary to date. Full of classic Brysicms and my search yielded zero non-sarcastic sentences in this post.
    “If AOC contributes her brain to science it will be transported to the laboratory in a shot glass.”… wins the day.

  2. I found this post immensely disheartening not because every word is absolutely correct and true, not because the Fourth Estate has reported none of it (as, presumably, they are too busy trying to counter Governor DeSantis rise in popularity), and not because of a growing myth that the cognitively deficient POTUS has an approval rating above 50%. What is so emotionally devastating is that there will be a second 100 days and then a third, and the amount of potential damage exceeds even my most dire expectations on November 4 of 2020. The entire American condition today causes me to think Alexander Pope was wrong about HOPE.

    In addition to that, I didn’t guess or even come close on any of the Pop Quiz questions.


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