The Century Mark

Pop Quiz

What Presidential candidate used the slogan: “Hope and change.”?

What iconic environmentalist said: “World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.”?

Who said: “There’s a personality trait known as agreeableness. Agreeable people are compassionate and polite. And agreeable people get paid less than disagreeable people for the same job. Women are more agreeable than men.”?

What US pundit said: “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”?

Answers at the end of the post!

In the last post it was suggested that etiquette is no longer a component of public debate. The Ministry of Truth closely monitors the tint, tone and perceived veracity of “speech” on social media. There is a working assumption that President Trump was incapable of telling the truth and based on that fallacious belief he has been banned from all social media platforms. Here is one sentence you will never hear from a progressive or on a leftist “news” network: “Trump was right on that one.” The closest anyone ever got was a left(naturally)-handed compliment from Jonathan Karl of ABC news: “Some things may be true even if Donald Trump said them.” Trump is famous for his mean tweets. How does his style compare to those who judge him and his supporters?

Peter Strzok: “Just went to a southern Virginia Wal-Mart…I could SMELL the Trump support.” 

Hilliary Clinton: “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

Christiane Amanpour provoked outrage after comparing the Trump administration’s authoritarian leanings to Nazism on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, a horrific 1938 pogrom against Jews in Germany.

Bandy X. Lee on Trump: “He is certainly of an autocratic disposition because his extreme narcissism does not allow for equality with other human beings, as democracy requires.” Sort of like Obama.

Jimmy Kimmel: “Half of us want to keep it going for four more years. … What more did Trump have to do to show us that he’s insane and not fit to lead this country? I feel like I overestimated the American people.”

Naomi Klein, environmental harridan: “Don’t call them (Republicans) deniers, they are arsonists.”

Joyless Behar: “Trump-supporting women don’t know the difference between a predator and a protector.” Did she mean Clinton?

James Carville, poster child for inbreeding: “They (Republicans) will kill people to stay in power, literally.”

This is what passes for civil political commentary and none of these “nattering nabobs of negativity” will ever lose their social media access.

A reader pointed out that this post has been tough on the Biden administration. That is true so here is a brief summary of the Biden Presidency to date:

Imagine Feldman Fireworks as the US economy. Special hat tip to Leslie Nielsen for capturing perfectly the performance of a typical CNN reporter.

In the 1970’s the progressives were in the thrall of Paul Ehrlich (20th century Malthusian) and wringing their hands over the predicted global cooling. In 1977 a book entitled The Weather Conspiracy: The Coming of the New Ice Age, authored by the Impact Team, was published. It was basically a chamber of horrors that mirrored the dire predictions of Ehrlich. However the prescriptive relief identified is substantially identical to the dystopian vision embraced by AOC and Al Gore. If you substituted the word “cooling” for “warming” in that book it would change none of the proffered remedial demands. It was the usual socialist recipe for “planned austerity”, in short, an opportunity to end capitalism. In 2009 a book entitled Time’s Up by Keith Farnish it was argued that the only way to prevent “global ecological collapse” was to “rid the world of Industrial Civilization.” Imagine the movie classic Quest for Fire coming to a neighborhood near you.

Global cooling is back!

Perhaps this is a confirmation that socialism, as espoused by the likes of AOC and her posse, Bernie Sanders and the Biden puppeteers, is unabashedly negative. It is all about limitations, especially on our freedoms. Jimmy Carter, the Presidential scold, predicted the world would run out of oil by 2011. Ronald Reagan removed controls on oil prices and the identified world oil reserves increased asymptotically. What happened to our national optimism? Where are the American leaders that defeated socialist dictatorships in World War II? Imagine FDR making a speech in the early 1940’s that opened with something like: “Well folks we are well and truly screwed.” Harry Truman said: “America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.” Alexis de Tocqueville, who visited America in the 1830’s said: “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” Reagan in his farewell speech described us as “Americans awed by what has gone before, proud of what for them is still… a shining city on a hill.”

Compare and contrast those sentiments with the human dark cloud Jen Psaki who tries daily to defend the ongoing disaster that is the Biden administration. We have stopped developing our energy resources, we are defunding the police, we are embracing critical race theory, we have identified white supremacists as the leading source of terror in the US, and on and on. She actually described the Abraham Accords as just a tactic by the previous administration. This despite the fact that the terrorists in Hamas were attacking Israel daily. Fortunately the “squad” jumped in to explain that the Israelis were the terrorists for having the chutzpah to defend themselves. The one positive since January 20 has been the success in beating back the COVID pandemic. The petulant children on Team Biden refuse to give any credit to the Trump administration without which they would have had no vaccine to administer. Is it any wonder that watching people emerge mask-less from a year of house arrest looks like VE Day in 1945? Americans have had enough of this gloom and doom and would gladly trade the incompetence they are witnessing for a few mean spirited tweets from Orange Man.

And speaking of dark and gloomy…we have raised an entire generation of young people who are redefining the term risk averse. The millenials and Gen Z are terrified: of the 99% survival rate for COVID (do they give any credit to Team Trump for the vaccine?), of Kim Jung Un who will be raining missiles down on hapless fish in the Pacific (anyone heard much about Kim since Trump’s inauguration?), of the rising seas that will have us all fleeing to Nebraska (do they ask why Obama bought a $12 million beach front property?). These benighted souls want to defund the police despite the fact that it is the poor in the inner-city who will pay the price. Students need safe spaces at their colleges and universities and many people travel with emotional support animals. In fact the millenials and Gen Z are actually the most pampered generations in our history. So why the angst?

There is no comprehension of real physical or financial risk which goes a long way in explaining their visceral loathing of capitalism. It is believed that a business owner/capitalist just shows up at the end of each day with a shovel and a large bag to remove his or her ill-gotten lucre. As such there is no comprehension of how devastating the authoritarian lock down policies, initiated by elitists like Pritsker and Whitmer, were to small business owners. It would stun them to learn that one of the primary beneficiaries of these autocratic actions was Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world. It also suggests that these folks would never undertake such a personal risk without the protection of the government. Competition is foreign to them as they probably got participation awards for everything they ever did.

Further it explains how they are so easily manipulated by the fearmongering engaged in by the Democrats, the Ministry of Truth and the leftist media. In the end these ignorant snowflakes embrace only fear itself and they look vainly for any safe harbor without regard to how it will impact their liberty. It allows them to accept the dishonesty of critical race theory without question. The 1619 fantasy becomes believable. They accept the need for fact checking by agenda driven fact censors. Basically they are comfortable as wards of the state.

Things to think about…

The DC beltway is home to a huge number of non-practicing intellectuals. These folks also have encyclopedic ignorance.

On the campaign trail Biden claimed: “We have four more years of Trump’s climate denial, how many suburbs will be burned in wildfires? How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many suburbs will have been blown away in superstorms?” He argued that we could change the weather with our votes. This is vainglory on steroids! However I would have to admit that if any Denver suburbs are flooded we will be in deep kimchi!

The Trump Team EPA air pollution scorecard: From 2017 to 2019 CO fell 10%; lead fell 28%; ozone fell 4%; NO2 fell 22%; large particulates fell 22%; fine particulates fell 12%; and SO2 fell 10%. In addition shale energy reduced carbon emissions by 527 metric tons. If you watch CNN, MSDNC or the other mainstream media outlets this will be news to you. Ironically the brave men and women who claim to be fighting climate change are now discussing schemes to add more particulate matter to the atmosphere to reduce the amount of beneficial sun rays that could warm the planet.

Are you happy with the price of gas these days? In 2019 US energy production exceeded energy consumption for the first time since 1957. The result…lower gas prices. The Biden response…higher gas prices!

Robert Mugabe was to the the stability of Zimbabwe what LBJ was to the stability of the black family.

Imagine the following headline: World ends in ecological cataclysm; people of color hardest hit

In 2019 a group called Extinction Rebellion forcibly occupied the office of Speaker Pelosi. They actually breached the inner office. Where is the investigation of this insurrection and where was AOC hiding?

On we wrote on November 16, 2016:

“The most under-reported story of the 2016 election was the information disclosed by Wikileaks over the last month of the campaign.  These were a veritable treasure trove of Machiavellian conspiracy (the entire DNC was working against Santa Sanders to preserve the inevitable election of Hilliary), disdain and contempt for the American people (anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic dialogue that should have shamed the participants) and evidence of the partnership between the media and the Clinton campaign (debate questions released to the Clinton team in advance and allowing the Clinton team to comment and edit news stories).  There were disclosures that made clear that pay for play is the motto of the Clinton Foundation.  Are those contributors now reviewing the refund provisions of their donation pledges…after all they are going to get very little from Trump.  If this material had been related to Donald Trump there would have been relentless coverage by the media but, alas, it was ignored by the media including the revered NY Times but it did confirm the Times slogan…all the news that fits we print.” The elite have weathered the storm and everyone is now safe with Merrick Garland at the helm of the DOJ!

This is our 100th post. We hope they have provided some ideas for use in your political discussions.

Pop quiz answers: (1) Obama was too easy. It was Hugo Chavez who, like Obama, was a socialist. (2) None other than Jacques Cousteau who clearly suffered from mental bends. His suggestion would require 21,000 days to get to a more workable 350 million people…what are the odds that that number would include anyone not part of the self-identified elite? (3) Jordan Peterson, bete noir of feminists everywhere. (4) The immortal William F. Buckley, Jr.

On to the next 100!

(3) Comments

  1. Congrats on your 100th post! Brilliant as usual! I really enjoy your unique blend of history, examples and evidence to support your points, and the wit in your humor. Well done!

  2. Congrats on the 100th post. It’s a good summary of the many insights from the past few years.
    Robert Mugabe would be proud you used him in the right context.


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