A Lost Generation

Pop Quiz

What President said during his campaign: “I believe we should eliminate every vestige of segregation in the District of Columbia.”?

Who said: “If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of a contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”?

What genius said: “Fossil fuels are a pre-existing condition for COVID-19.”?

What pundit said: “The academic community has in it the biggest concentration of alarmists, cranks and extremists this side of the giggle house.”?

In the last post we observed that Gen Z appears to be comfortable reducing themselves to being wards of the state. Perhaps we can take this a step further. A casual observation of their behavior and their willingness to blindly accept the dystopian drumbeat of the Ministry of Truth and the highly polluted mainstream media suggests that they are, in fact, nihilists. A nihilist holds the viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless. How else can we explain their unquestioning acceptance of the following from the Green New Deal (GND) pseudo-science team?

“70% of all human infections are impacted by climate change” according to John Kerry. STDs? Polio?

“The melting of the Arctic ice sheet is releasing untold pathogens” reports noted immunologist Jane Fonda.

The UN has stated that the only way to meet the IPCC temperature target is to “shut down the whole global economy.” The fastest way to get that done is to put Joe Biden in charge of the economy!

“When the pandemic is over it’s time to dismantle capitalism” argues columnist Natalie Olah. It escapes the notice of this towering intellect that the countries which have done the most to address environmental issues are, well, countries that practice capitalism!

Nobel laureate Barack Obama says: “We can’t afford any more consequences of climate denial.” One wonders who has ever “denied the climate.”

“Pollution, climate change, and the destruction of our remaining natural zones has brought the world to the breaking point…along with increasing social inequalities”. This is from a letter signed by the entire Harvard faculty. Oops my bad…actually signed the following giants from the world of science: Robert De Niro, Barbra Streisand, Madonna, Eva Green and Willem Defoe among others. But is there really any difference? Where will we find “unnatural zones”? Sort of like the difference between organic and inorganic vegetables.

Thirty years ago uttering any of these statements would have been risible and most of society would have been reduced to hysterical laughter. Today the lemmings of Gen Z blindly embrace this nonsense as they have no historical or societal frame of reference. In fact they are engaged in “canceling” the past, removing anything that offends their delicate sensibilities. So not only do they fear reality but they think monolithically and censor, with the aid and comfort of the Ministry of Truth, all those who do not fall in line. Nietzsche said: “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” The operative word in that quote is “think” and development of that skill is not part of the public school curriculum.

So what would our world look like if we took AOC, St. Greta of Thunberg and Al Gore seriously and shut down our global economy? Imagine a Dickensian world with filthy air and polluted water. In 1850 the life expectancy was 38.3 years for men and 40.7 years for women. Before capitalism there was very little indoor plumbing or running water. The first patent for the flush toilet was issued in 1775. Food could not be preserved. Gen Z might have to learn about chamber pots and come to understand what the title of Eugene O’Neill’s play The Iceman Cometh means. No generation in our history is less prepared for this than Gen Z. Perhaps they might come to see the manifest benefits of CAPITALISM!

Our childlike President has rejoined the Paris Climate Accords as if it were a serious matter. An example of the seriousness of the participants is the pledge made by Pakistan: They plan to “reach a peak at some point after which to begin reducing emissions.” An iron clad promise if ever there was one!

The enforcement of the GND will be swift and merciless. Biden had made it clear he will put “fossil fuels execs in jail.” In the future these same fossil fuel execs would be well advised to join with SBLM and Fa-Antifa in the destruction of Democrat cities which should give them complete immunity from public criticism.

Should we bow to the idol that is science? CS Lewis said: “I dread government in the name of science. That is how tyrannies come in.” See, e.g. Anthony Fauci. Thomas Sowell observed that experts “give political cover for decisions already made and based on other considerations entirely.” See, e.g. Anthony Fauci. Eisenhower pointed out that “public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite”. See, e.g. the Ministry of Truth.

What about Gen Z’s Pavlovian embrace of the fraud that is Critical Race Theory (CRT):

The 1619 Project which is taught in many public schools is without historical foundation.

A Black medical doctor is stopped by an elderly woman in a CVS who asks where to find a medical item. Perhaps the woman recognized that she was a doctor and was asking for guidance. The doctor took this as a racist act because she assumed that the questioner assumed she worked at the store. Compare this to a real act of racism, the lynching of 14 year old Emmett Till in Mississippi, The killing of Till, an innocent young Black man, who made the “mistake” of smiling at a white woman, was an inhuman act and was completely indefensible. Clearly the doctor does not have any comprehension of what constitutes real racist behavior. Please note that the entire dramatis personae in the Till murder were Democrats.

George W. Bush referred to the “soft bigotry of low expectations” in a speech written by Michael Gerson. CRT is that soft bigotry writ large. It reflects a high level of condescension toward Blacks in America and, like affirmative action, begins with the premise that Blacks just can’t make it on their own. But surely there is some role model who could teach them to take advantage of all that America offers.

Did we not recently elect a Black man as President? Only about 10% of registered voters in the US are Black yet Obama won 52.9% of the total vote in 2008 and 51.1% of the vote in 2012. Even victims of common core math should be able to see that a huge number of white people voted for Obama. Sadly Pope Barack ignored this point and he and Michelle worked tirelessly to convince young blacks that racism was the longstanding hurdle keeping them from achieving the American dream. Is it any wonder that he embraces the CRT?

What is the objective of CRT? It would seem, based on the words of those who support it, that it is designed to create an irreconcilable rift between the races. It builds on the fear that Obama inflamed and calls for the defunding of police in communities that see the greatest violence. There is support for policies that will create a permanent Black underclass by undermining the Black family. Thomas Sowell has argued that “(t)he black family- which survived slavery, discrimination, poverty, wars and depressions- began to come apart as the federal government moved in with its well-financed programs to “help”.” In short CRT endorses all of the wrong values and provides a long list of excuses intended to justify the violence practiced by SBLM and Fa-Antifa. Who will benefit from this nihilism?

And it does not help that our Attorney General drops napalm on the situation with the following: “In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race…”.

It is troubling indeed that the nihilistic Gen Z population accepts, without argument, that idiotic statement by Merrick Garland. Would they be comfortable with a race war in America? Is that what it will take to wake these somnambulant simple-minded fools up?

Pop Quiz answers: (1) Dwight Eisenhower, the last Republican candidate to receive more than 50% of the Black vote. His inauguration ended 20 years of uninterrupted Democrat party control in Washington which never addressed the open segregation. (2) John Stuart Mill. From On Liberty a book that is unknown to the Ministry of Truth. (3) Al Gore, poster child for the Peter Principle. (4) Williams F. Buckley, Jr.

(2) Comments

  1. Seems that spreading of the CRT is something the Democrats would want to walk back before the next elections- thoughts?
    Also, a pop quiz… who said “a wimp and a blimp” and how could it be relevant to today?


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