Critical Race Delusion

Pop Quiz

What President said: “We are Americans. We are pioneers. We are the pathfinders. We settled the New World, we built the modern world and we changed history forever by embracing the eternal truth everyone is made equal by the hand of Almighty God. America is the place where anything can happen. America is the place where anyone can rise. And here, on this land, on this soil, on this continent, the most incredible dreams come true. This nation is our canvas, and this country is our masterpiece. We look at tomorrow and see unlimited frontiers just waiting to be explored. Our brightest discoveries are not yet known. Our most thrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made. The American Age, the American Epic, the American adventure has only just begun. Our spirit is still young, the sun is still rising, God’s grace is still shining and, my fellow Americans, the best is yet to come.”

Compare and contrast this uplifting vision with the drumbeat of negativity that is the staple of our national dialogue today. The Ministry of Truth, the so-called mainstream media, the education establishment and our elected officials dedicate their lives to pointing out all of the flaws and failures, not all of them real, in our rich history. To what end?

In 1776 and 1787 the founders of our country produced two of the greatest documents in the history of government. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America were to be the game plan, the blue print, for building a nation once we had severed our allegiance to the English crown. The Declaration included lofty ideals and a justification for our revolution. The Constitution was brilliantly designed to implement those ideals. Those who are familiar with a Bill Belichik Sunday game plan will understand that the key to success is execution of that game plan. Our execution has been imperfect but the vision was optimistic, something to strive for. But clearly the founders did not anticipate the Democrat Party.

Inexplicably people under 40 have managed to navigate life without learning anything about our rich history. They seem to believe that failure to achieve perfection, as they see it in 2021, requires that we cancel all that has transpired and that we must, as the saying goes, throw out the baby with the bathwater. It is precisely this thinking that has given us the stillborn idea that is Critical Race Theory (CRT), an exercise in racism, division and nihilism. CRT is the product of a myopia that is beyond understanding, starting with the 1619 Project, an ahistorical delusion, which, in their fevered minds, “proves” that slavery was invented by the settlers of Virginia. A review of our troubled history of race within the context of our founding documents should help to address that myopia.

The founders knew that slavery would be one of our greatest challenges. It was an issue that was divisive even in the late 18th Century. It is fair to say that few, if any, of the authors of our founding documents could have foreseen the long and tortuous journey Blacks have endured in America. It can safely be said that the acceptance of slavery as a fact in 1789 was necessary to create the United States. Would we be better off if we have allowed the South to establish a separate country with legal slavery? Instead slavery was addressed as subtext and it can be argued that the Constitution included the seeds of abolition and civil war.

How many people engaged in erasing Washington’s name from elementary and high schools know that when he died the slaves he owned were manumitted? He understood that slavery was contrary to our founding documents.

Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution provides that migration or importation of slaves “shall not be prohibited by the Congress” prior to 1808. It was a compromise position. It should be noted that in 1794 Congress passed and Washington signed into law the Slave Trade Act which barred US ships from “carrying on any trade or traffic in slaves”. In 1807 the Congress passed and Thomas Jefferson signed into law the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves. The first incremental restrictions on slavery were put in place.

In 1820 there was a delicate balance of power between free and slave states. What was to become the Democrat Party was the dominant power in the slave states and they supported the extension of slavery from coast to coast. When Missouri petitioned to join the Union the South demanded that it be admitted as a slave state and there were threats of secession if Missouri was to be a free state. As a compromise Maine was admitted as a free state and the balance of power in Congress was maintained.

The next crisis arose when California petitioned to join the Union as a free state. There were more threats of secession resulting in The Compromise of 1850 which awarded statehood to California and the Democrats received in return the Fugitive Slave Act that allowed slave owners to force the return of slaves who had escaped. But the Compromise also abolished the buying and selling of slaves in the District of Columbia. It was becoming increasingly clear that the issue of slavery would inevitably undermine the stability of the country.

The Dred Scott decision in 1857 accelerated the final confrontation over slavery. Chief Justice Roger Taney, from the slave state of Maryland, wrote the opinion which concluded that Blacks could not become citizens of the United States. This despite the fact that free Blacks were citizens in many Northern states. The Dred Scott case catalyzed the unavoidable conflict to resolve the slave issue. In 1860 Lincoln was elected President, the first Republican to hold the office. Before he was inaugurated seven Democrat states seceded from the Union and on February 8. 1861 the Confederate States set up an independent government. Democrat James Buchanan proved to be impotent and his indecision was fatal. The Confederacy was a creature of his Democrat Party.

The Civil War was horrific by any definition. More than 618,000 men died, the vast majority of them white. On April 9. 1865 Lee surrendered to Grant and the carnage ended. The nation had paid a horrible price but on December 6, 1865 slavery ended with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. Sadly our long national nightmare was not over because a Southern Democrat assassinated Lincoln and a readmission of the Confederate states did not occur as Lincoln had wished: “With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” Had Booth failed to kill Lincoln imagine how our history would have been different?

Instead the Democrat South continued to treat Blacks as second class citizens. Former slaves and their descendants had to endure 100 years of Jim Crow, segregation, “separate but equal” countenanced by Plessy v. Ferguson, lynching, the Ku Klux Klan and voter suppression. These were all official policies of the Democrat Party. It could be argued that the rest of the nation was passive in the face of this assault on the freedoms guaranteed to Black Americans but there was little support forthcoming under leaders such as Democrat Woodrow Wilson who maintained segregation in the Nation’s capital. The first showing a Birth of a Nation, D.W. Griffith’s paean to the KKK, was hosted by Wilson in the White House. FDR turned a blind eye to Democrat abuses in the South in order to secure legislative support for his New Deal. All attempts to pass civil rights legislation and anti-lynching laws were thwarted by the Democrats in Congress.

From 1933 to 1953 the Democrats had a stranglehold on the Presidency and Congress. The plight of the Southern Blacks was not even a blip on the radar of FDR and Truman. The Democrats had successfully stymied any hope that Black Americans could realize all that comprises the American Dream. That changed with the election of Republican Dwight Eisenhower in 1952.

Adam Clayton Powell said in 1954: “The Honorable Dwight D. Eisenhower has done more to eliminate discrimination and to restore the Negro to the status of first class citizenship than any President since Abraham Lincoln.” He integrated the District of Columbia and all branches of the military, no small achievement. In 1953 the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka and the result was by no means a foregone conclusion. However, there occurred an independent intervening cause, the death of Chief Justice Fred Vinson, a Southern Democrat. Eisenhower appointed Earl Warren to replace Vinson in large part because of his support for civil rights. Warren delivered a unanimous decision to end segregation of public schools. The response in the South was predictable and Eisenhower chose to send in the National Guard and 1,000 members of the 101st Army Airborne Division to ensure that segregation would be ended. At last the execution of the founders game plan was in the right hands.

It was clear at that point that the Federal government was taking a lead role in the battle for Civil Rights for all Americans. For those of us who watched it unfold on television in 1957 there was a tectonic shift in our thinking and it changed the national dialogue on the issue. A majority of Americans supported the President. We had finally gotten it right and there was hope that the legacy of slavery was at long last dying. It is a tragedy that the proponents of CRT cannot see anything positive in our history. They have no appreciation of the basic goodness of Americans and it is calumny to suggest that we are a racist nation. They cannot accept that the game plan finally prevailed because they are focused on hatred and division.

The work of the Eisenhower administration was followed by the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These long overdue pieces of legislation were supported by Republicans and the majority of the American people. The Democrats conducted a 54 day filibuster in an effort to derail the Civil Rights Act. Richard Russell was so opposed to the signing of the legislation that he led Southern Democrats in a boycott of the Democrat Presidential convention in 1964. His reward…they named a Senate office building after him. The left wants to take Lincoln’s name off of elementary schools but remains silent on the Russell office building. Some Democrats chose to inflict one last outrage on the Black community. LBJ’s misnamed Great Society was designed to destabilize the Black family and the resulting damage is evident in every Democrat run city.

Will any of this history be included in the CRT “curriculum”? Or will CRT be based on a slander of the American people as practitioners of systemic racism…whatever that means? Will Stacey Abrams ever acknowledge that her party, the Democrat Party, has for 200 years been the organ of Black suppression and the primary reason why it has taken so long to fully implement the founders’ game plan?

Things to think about…

It can be stated with ontological certitude that man has no measurable impact on the global climate. As such why are we willing to even think about shutting down the world economy?

Which economic system is best equipped to handle environmental crises? The Cuyahoga River flows into Lake Erie in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1969 that river actually caught on fire. Lake Erie was being destroyed by the pollution deposited by the river and the resulting eutrophication…it was slowly dying. Today Erie is thriving and commercial fishing has returned. By way of contrast Lake Baikal in Russia is heavily polluted and getting worse. Beluga sturgeon, the source of Beluga caviar, is endangered. The socialist paradise has done nothing to address the issue. Capitalism 1, Socialism 0.

Joe Biden is the new Vanna White on the game show Wheel of Misfortune. Every other day he spins the wheel to determine the existential crisis of the day. Climate Change, White Supremacy, COVID 19, China, MAGA hats, Orange Man have all been identified at one point or other as the “biggest threat” to our survival. Can I buy an IQ point Vanna?

Hilliary Clinton, one time candidate for the Oval Office, actually suggested that one on one meetings or bilateral meetings with Putin would be problematic for our mentally challenged President. We await an explanation of the difference between these two types of meetings.

Trump is our Winston Smith (1984). He simply refuses to surrender and agree that 2 + 2 = 5. And even the media is being forced to agree that a number of his controversial statements were, dare we say, correct. Check out Jon Stewart schooling Steven Colbert of the Wuhan virus…“There’s been an outbreak of chocolaty goodness near Hershey, Pennsylvania. What do you think happened?” “Oh, I don’t know, maybe a steam shovel mated with a cocoa bean. Or it’s the f**king chocolate factory! Maybe that’s it!” Even Bill Maher is getting dangerously close to blasphemy!

Did you know that German Chancellor (a position once held by Adolph Hitler) Angela Merkel actually asked Mark Zuckerburg to stop European citizens from criticizing her immigration policies on Facebook and he told her he was working on it. Delicious irony!

This just in…Facebook fact checkers have confirmed that there was, in fact, an armed insurrection on January 6. 2021. Proof positive! After watching hundreds of hours of video they determined that 100% of the protestors had two arms.

Fun factoid: In 2000 Cuban American businesses took in more total revenues than the entire nation of Cuba. Capitalism 2, Socialism 0.

Time to think about the observation by Thomas Paine at the beginning of our Revolution: “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” Perhaps consigning socialism to the dustbin of history will start the process.

We should be thankful that Chief Justice Earl Warren was, unlike our current Chief Justice, less concerned about his social standing than doing the right thing about school segregation. Profile in courage versus a profile in pusillanimousness.

Answer to the Pop Quiz: None other than Donald J. Trump closing out his State of the Union speech on the night Rush Limbaugh was (deservedly) awarded the Medal of Freedom. You may have missed this because Speaker Pelosi famously ripped up the only extant copy of the speech during her post speech tantrum which served as the Democrat rebuttal.

(2) Comments

  1. iiiI most especially enjoyed the historical accounting of the American journey in addressing slavery and CRT. I learned a few more noteworthy details. Thanks for another great piece! I intend to share it with others.

  2. Full of informative content which surprised me.. After all these years of indoctrination by the media I was under the impression the Dems were the party opposed to slavery. Seems it was it WAS the party who invented the Wheel of Misfortune – to use your analogy of political diversion.
    LOL…armed insurrection


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