The Blind Leading the Blind

Pop quiz:

What American politician said: “I didn’t run to make history, I just wanted to leave it better than I found it.”?

Who said: “Women’s lib screams protests against the policy of regarding women as “sex objects” through speakers who, too obviously, are in no such danger.”?

Who said: “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”?

How about: “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.”?

What witness to the American scene made the following observation: “In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.”?

Answers at the end of this post.

Thanks to the overreach of the Biden administration a huge voting demographic has been driven, potentially, into the arms of the GOP. We say potentially because one must never underestimate the ability of the party of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to drop the ball. Thanks to the closing of the schools in 2020 and the ongoing effort to mandate masks and vaccines for our kids the parents of young students have been given a glimpse of what really goes on in the classrooms of America. It is not pretty.

And to ensure that the message was clear the now unemployed former Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, campaigned on the theme that parents have no role in determining what their children will be taught. Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, showed up in Virginia on election eve to underscore McAuliffe’s idiotic remarks. This dream team delivered a Republican sweep.

One thing all Americans have in common is exposure to a K-12 education. Most embraced it, however reluctantly, while others wasted the opportunity. The teachers had a huge influence on all our lives. You rarely talk to someone who does not remember the names of their teachers, the good and the bad. Lincoln said it best: “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” Sadly something has changed.

Historically the education system was designed to deliver three basic concepts: (1) addressing ignorance by introducing facts and concepts which are the building blocks of education; (2) stimulating intellectual curiosity, the desire to keep learning; and, (3) teaching the ability to think critically. The goal was to teach students how to think not what to think. These concepts are not embraced by the DOE, the NEA or the AFT. As such very few schools today deliver any of these skills. This is evident when we see the obscene failure rate in the school systems in any major city.

In 2020 classrooms were closed and teaching was conducted electronically. Zoom became the delivery system and it allowed parents for the first time to see what was actually being taught. Some school systems tried to get parents to agree that they would not record any of the “classroom” activities and, in some cases, to agree not to watch the Zoom classes. I was visiting friends while their four children were on line and hearing the “lesson plan” for the day was an eye opening experience. The students were asked to watch network television shows and track the characters by gender, race, sexual persuasion, etc. This is the nose under the Critical Race Theory (CRT) tent.

The left works assiduously to convince the world that CRT is NOT taught in the public schools. Yet if you point out that “racism” is not taught in the schools you will be accused of racism because you ignore “microaggressions” and other perceived elements of so-called “systemic” racism. CRT sees race as a culturally invented category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color. Critical race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially Blacks. They even shoehorn women, Hispanics and the LGBT community into the CRT syllabus.

But it should be noted that elements of the CRT program have become part of the curriculum including the math and science programs. There is some evidence that CRT has long been with us. For example, Cori Bush has suggested that fossil fuels are racist. Mayor Pete explained that roads and bridges are racist. VP Waldo Harris asked NASA to track trees by race. This is the ultimate application of spandex. Thus the left can argue that CRT, as such, is not taught in schools even as all the elements of CRT are omnipresent in the daily lesson plans. So we can conclude that CRT is TAUGHT by stealth in our schools.

Apparently white parents find it offensive that their youngsters are told that because they are white they are racists. It is an attack on individualism and it is the very definition of racism because they are being taught that to be white is to be racist. Yet the discussion glosses over the more insidious impact of this inane theory…young Black children are taught that they will be forever victims of white oppression. This ensures a permanent racial divide in America which is the very opposite of reality. The election of Winsome Sears in Virginia was a most uplifting experience and her acceptance speech was inspirational. Check it out on YouTube.

Please note that the response to the election of this accomplished Black woman by “Dr.” Eric Dyson, our national racist-in-chief, was decidedly negative. He stated that: “The problem is, here, they want white supremacy by ventriloquist effect. There is a black mouth moving but a white idea running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices.” It is hard to imagine a more offensive and slanderous characterization of Sears. It is difficult to believe that Dyson received a high school diploma, let alone a PhD. It confirms that old definition of a PhD…”piled higher and deeper”.

It is, however, not difficult to envision Dyson as the Charlie McCarthy to an antebellum white Democrat plantation owner/ventriloquist. It was against the law in the slave states to teach slaves to read and write. Dyson seems to have no objection to the failure of schools in poor Black neighborhoods to teach students to read and write. Southern plantation owners broke up Black families, separating parents and then their children. Dyson has no apparent disagreement with LBJ’s Great Society which has had the effect of breaking up Black families. Dyson manifests a pathological hatred of Donald Trump who delivered the lowest Black, as well as teenage Black, unemployment rates since such statistics have been kept. Team Biden is rapidly reversing that situation without any complaint from the clueless Dyson. Freed Blacks were terrorized by lawless elements in the South during the Democrat run Jim Crow period and now he supports defunding the police again leaving Blacks to the terror of neighborhood lawlessness. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was a moral abomination yet Dyson seems to support a Fugitive Black Conservative Act designed to drag free thinking Blacks (see e.g. Winsome Sears and Candace Owens) back to the Democrat plantation. He is shameless.

The next post will address the maltreatment of students from coast to coast through mask mandates and vaccine requirements, all part of the authoritarian COVID response policies from Washington. Another example of Democrat overreach.

Pop Quiz answers:

What American politician said: “I didn’t run to make history, I just wanted to leave it better than I found it.”? Winsome Sears, Black Charlie McCarthy…NOT!

Who said: “Women’s lib screams protests against the policy of regarding women as “sex objects” through speakers who, too obviously, are in no such danger.”? The androgynous Ayn Rand, author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, books with strong, independent women characters.

Who said: “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”? Malcolm X, antidote to Eric Dyson

How about: “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.”? Diogenes, bane of the Ministry of Truth.

What witness to the American scene made the following observation: “In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.”? Samuel Clemens

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