Germ(an) Warfare

Pop Quiz:

What health official said about COVID: “It’s a very low risk to the United States. It isn’t something the American people need to be frightened about.”?

What immunologist opined that “if the close contact of a child is a household contact, perhaps there will be a certain number of cases of individuals who are just living with and in close contact with someone with AIDS, or at risk of AIDS, who does not necessarily have to have intimate sexual contact or share a needle, but just the ordinary close contact that one sees in normal interpersonal relations.”?

What medical doctor said: “Close the bars but keep the schools open.”?

What health expert said: “Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.”?

What politician observed that: “I believe that we can do it without a lock down. I really do.” Followed by: “We did not shut down entirely, and that’s the reason why we went up.”?

What Federal official said in February 2021: “The US response to coronavirus is among the worst in the world.”?

Who wrote: “Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important.”?

Answers at the end of this post.

Baldur von Schirach meet Ivan Pavlov…the result is the Biden Youth, a modern iteration of the Hitlerjugend (the Hitler Youth). It will be years before we fully understand the damage that has been done to American school children with school shut downs and mask and vaccine mandates. We are training children to live in fear which makes them malleable in the face of increasing government restrictions on liberty: fear of COVID, dread of non-existent climate crises and distressed by the entire social construct known as Critical Theory (a product of the Frankfurt School of Goethe University) which sees all of history as a battle against oppression of one demographic group by another.

Suicide and drug addiction have been exacerbated by the schizophrenic COVID policies imposed by our ruling class. Drug overdoses have increased by more than 30,000 from 2010 to 2021. Add to this dynamic the toxicity of social media and we are putting an entire generation at risk. Students are taught that we have only (pick a number of years) before that earth will be uninhabitable as a result of human activity that is causing a climate apocalypse. They are taught that being white means you are a racist and, therefore, you are an oppressor. Tragically this educational abuse is supported wholeheartedly by the “education” establishment. The word education is in quotes because there is very little actual learning going on in our schools.

And of course there is the usual catalog of unintended (?) consequences that accompany the school shut downs: free meals that schools provide did not happen, homeless children got to stay on the street, working parents had to stay home, child abuse cases that were never reported, etc. Jesus said “suffer the little children…” and the education establishment took that as a literal directive.

Compare this with the response by the government of Sweden. No masks for children and no school lock downs. Contrary to all Faucian predictions there have been no COVID deaths among young Swedes and the COVID levels among teachers are no higher than in society in general. Turns out children rarely get COVID and deaths are rare, usually driven by comorbidities. The median age of people who die from COVID is 78. In addition it turns out that children do not transmit the virus. Nonetheless the Biden Youth reflexively don masks and suffer intermittent lock downs because the government demands blind obedience.

The American public, including school children, are allowed to witness the base hypocrisy of our elitist leaders who, as a matter of routine, ignore their own mask mandates. Gavin Newsome dining with a number of people, including the CEO of the California Medical Association, all mask-less, at an exclusive restaurant, the French Laundry. Nanny Pelosi getting her hair done at a local business and caught without the required mask. She claims she was “entrapped”. The Mayor of San Francisco, London Breed, is caught, sans mask, at a performance by Tone, Toni, Tony explaining that they were just having too much fun to comply with the law. And from our fearless leader President Houseplant we get: “Don’t be scared. Kids don’t get the COVID often…the evidence so far is children aren’t the people most likely to get COVID.” In what is a true man bites dog story… Brandon was correct. According to the CDC of the more than 788,000 deaths attributed to COVID over the past two years only 644 were in the 0-17 age group. Over 735,000 people over 50 have died since early 2020. Note that 486 young people between 0 and 17 died of the flu in 2021 out of just over 20,000 total deaths.

What must these children think as they are forced to mask-up to attend school?

And the child abuse does not stop there. You will find The 1619 Project included in the curricula of many schools. This tendentious bit of fiction suggests that the American story begins in 1619 with the introduction of the first slaves into Virginia, It argues that slavery was an American creation, all evidence to the contrary. The syllabus makes the argument that the Revolutionary War was intended to protect slavery because slavery was prevalent throughout the colonies. Historians on both sides of the political debate agree that this confection is without historical support. It is, however, integral to the CRT program that is being pushed by the radical left across the country.

In a better world there would be vigorous debate about things like COVID, climate change and CRT but the Ministry of Truth, which is the source of much of what our children believe, censors the truth on such topics. Big Tech plays a key role in training the Biden Youth in large part by ensuring that they remain ignorant. They engage in the opposite of what education is all about…they teach people what to think not how to think. By denying access to different ideas and opinions they keep our students locked in a dystopian group think on topics that shape the political debate in this country. We are fast becoming a nation of lemmings.

The critical theorists also note with arched eyebrows that men are guilty of oppressing women around the world. The schools are addressing that concern also. Christine Hoff Sommers points out in her wonderful book The War on Boys that they may have taken the issue a step too far. She notes that “it became fashionable to pathologize the behavior of millions of healthy male children. We have turned against boys and forgotten a simple truth: the energy, competitiveness, and corporal daring of normal males are responsible for much of what is right in the world. No one denies that boys’ aggressive tendencies must be mitigated and channeled toward constructive ends. Boys need (and crave) discipline, respect, and moral guidance. Boys need love and tolerant understanding. But being a boy is not a social disease.” Any chance that Randi Weingarten agrees with that statement?

The data showing the negative impact on boys is sobering. Boys are more likely to drop out of school, less likely to attend college, more likely to be caught up in the justice system. Men are less likely to be seen as viable candidates for marriage and feel emasculated by the system. Perhaps it is the males who are being oppressed and they should be protected under critical theory.

Suggested reading: Dictatorship of Virtue by Richard Bernstein. It was published in 1994 and predicts with preternatural accuracy what has become of our schools.

How do we address this cavalcade of ignorance? Stay tuned…

Pop Quiz answers:

What health official said about COVID: “It’s a very low risk to the United States. It isn’t something the American people need to be frightened about.”?

What immunologist opined that “if the close contact of a child is a household contact, perhaps there will be a certain number of cases of individuals who are just living with and in close contact with someone with AIDS, or at risk of AIDS, who does not necessarily have to have intimate sexual contact or share a needle, but just the ordinary close contact that one sees in normal interpersonal relations.”?

What medical doctor said: “Close the bars but keep the schools open.”?

What health expert said: “Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.”?

What political observed that: “I believe that we can do it without a lock down. I really do.” Followed by: “We did not shut down entirely, and that’s the reason why we went up.”?

What Federal official said in February 2021: “The US response to coronavirus is among the worst in the world.”?

All of the above are quotes by Dr. Fauci who is to medicine what President Houseplant is to foreign policy…Always wrong but never in doubt! Note that the last point is a great example of self-criticism!

Who wrote: “Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important.”? TS Eliot.

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