Science vs. “political” Science

Pop Quiz

What President said: “We’re gonna run out of oil by 2011.”?

What newspaper reported in 1995: “At the most likely rate of rise…most of the beaches on the East Coast of the United States would be gone in 25 years.”?

What is the source of the following prognostication: “Fifty million climate refugees by 2010.”?

What publication warned about climate change in 2010: “We have only 100 months (8.3 years) to avoid disaster.”?

What presidential candidate said in 2008: “The entire north polar ice cap will be gone in five years.”?

What world famous scientist said in 2019: “World will end in 12 years if climate change is not addressed.”?

What autistic, petulant international Karen said: “Science doesn’t lie. If we are to stay below the targets set in the 2015 Paris agreement — and thereby minimize the risks of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control — we need immediate, drastic, annual, emission reductions unlike anything the world has ever seen.”?

Answers at the end of the post.

Any discussion of the perceived threat of anthropogenic climate change should start with the following statement: There is no man made climate crisis. Climate change is always natural and cyclical and it is the height of vainglory to believe that humans have any impact on the incredibly complex global climate regime.

That should be followed by a few simple questions that will baffle any climate crisis enthusiast.

What human activities caused the Minoan warming period? It occurred between 2000 and 1500 BCE and it was warmer than it is today. It ended the Minoan civilization. It was followed by more than 500 years of cooling known as the Greek Dark Ages.

The next cycle is known as the Roman Warming Period, again warmer than it is now. What human events caused the end of the Greek Dark Ages? The Roman Warming Period made possible the golden ages of Greece and Rome.

Around 500 CE the climate changed again and for 250 years the Dark Ages descended on the world. Was there a previous period of climate hysteria that implemented an earlier version of the Paris Climate Accords that caused this cooling period? The Dark Ages were marked by starvation, reduced life expectancies and worldwide poverty.

The Dark Ages ended with a new climate regime known as the Medieval Warming Period. At the peak it was warmer than it is today. Civilization flourished and life was better for most of the world. It led to world exploration and Europeans settled Iceland, Greenland and North America. Unlike today Greenland was temperate and settlers farmed and raised livestock. Peat bogs on Greenland provide evidence of these facts.

The Medieval warming was followed by a period known as the Little Ice Age. Life in the Northern Hemisphere was subject to excessive rain and cold and there was widespread famine.

Since the end of that period we have enjoyed a warming trend which is merely another climate cycle but it should be noted that in the 1970’s there was a fear of global cooling. There is a very hard to find book published in 1977 entitled The Weather Conspiracy. Authorship is attributed to The Impact Team and it includes two CIA reports which suggest that a new ice age is the greatest threat to the US. It is a dystopian compilation of potential fears…it would be a heartwarming read for AOC, Al Gore and the rest of the world is doomed crowd.

It should be noted that none of these alternating periods of warming and cooling was impacted by human activity. No fossil fuels were being burned, there were less than a billion people on the planet and the evil combustion engine was not part of the equation until the last 125 years. All were natural climate events and mankind is helpless in the face of what Mother Nature delivers. To better understand what The Weather Conspiracy fears are based on we need to understand what a real ice age can do to the world.

18,000 years ago North America was buried under the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Ice several thousand feet thick covered Canada and an area of the US as far south as Cincinnati, St. Louis and New York City. The women were safe from Andrew Cuomo because Albany was under 5,000 feet of ice. The ice sheet contained so much water that the oceans retreated dramatically and when the ice receded the oceans rose…making AOC right for the first time. Again the Ice Age was not impacted by any human activity.

The British Isles were covered by ice as far south as Bristol and two thirds of Ireland was white not green. In the South most of Chile was covered by ice and the island at the end of Argentina was Tierra del Hielo not del Fuego. Humans are powerless in the face of such natural calamities.

Some theories suggest that the sun has a significant impact on our earthly climate patterns. Walter Maunder attributed climate change to sunspot activity and Milutin Milankovitch opined that there were periodic variations in the earth’s orbit that might explain some climate events. These were real scientists working with new information to explain our world rather than “political” scientists who slavishly follow the zeitgeist.

We need to generate a robust education program to counter the cavalcade of scientific illiteracy that is being aggressively pushed by our hopelessly confused political leaders and educators. We must encourage intellectual curiosity and stop instilling fear in our kids. There was an audio on talk radio the other day where a child abusing mother was seeking guidance because her nine year old daughter told her that the “the world is on fire and we are all going to die.” It never crossed her mind to have her child learn about the situation before searching out Dr. Kevorkian. It was a depressing commentary. She is raising the next St. Greta of Thunberg…always wrong but never in doubt. We need a strong dose of Reagan optimism.

Here is a reading list that should be posted in all schools.

Climate Change Reading List

Inconvenient Facts                             Gregory Wrightstone

The Skeptical Environmentalist          Bjorn Lomborg

A Disgrace to Their Profession          Mark Steyn

Climate Confusion                             Roy Spencer

The Great Global Warming Blunder Roy Spencer

The Age of Global Warming             Rupert Darwell

The Hockey Stick Illusion                 Andrew Montfort

Climate Changes                               Alan Moran

Unstoppable Global Warming          Fred Singer

Climategate                                      Brian Sussman

Eco-Tyranny                                     Brian Sussman

Climate of Extremes                         Patrick Michaels

Apocalypse Never                            Michael Shellenberger

Unsettled                                          Steven Koonin

Green Fraud                                      Marc Morano

False Alarm                                       Bjorn Lomborg

State of Fear                                     Michael Crichton

The Whole Story of Climate             E. Kirsten Peters

The Complete Ice Age                     Thames and Hudson

Things to think about:

George Orwell wrote a short book entitled: Politics and the English Language. It is a short but rewarding read. Our last post dealt with the topic. Another example of the abuse of language was presented on MSNBC. One of their political marionettes suggested that the Biden caller who closed out with “Let’s Go Brandon” was engaged in…”insurrection”. Insurrection is defined as a violent uprising against an authority or government. It would appear that making fun of our somnambulant President is a violent uprising against all that is true and good. One wonders what is suggested by Kathy Griffin holding Trump’s severed head and Trump portrayed as Caesar in a Shakespeare in the Park performance? Trump supporters are just too dumb to be able to distinguish between art and anarchy!

President Houseplant said in August 2020: “I want to make it absolutely clear rioting is not protesting, looting is not protesting.” Admire not only his hypocrisy but also the fact that then-VP Mike Pence said the exact same thing the day before.

The late and unlamented Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended the practice of abortion by pointing out that it reduced “populations that we don’t want to have too many of”. Footnote: 38% of US abortions are performed on Black fetuses.

Answers to Pop Quiz:

What President said: “We’re gonna run out of oil by 2011.”? Now the second worst President…James Earl Carter.

What newspaper reported in 1995: “At the most likely rate of rise…most of the beaches on the East Coast of the United States would be gone in 25 years.”? The New York Times…”All the news that fits we print”.

What is the source of the following prognostication: “Fifty million climate refugees by 2010.”? The UN…I am sure most of you slept through the actual event.

What publication warned about climate change in 2010: “We have only 100 months (8.3 years) to avoid disaster.”? The UK Guardian

What presidential candidate said in 2008: “The entire north polar ice cap will be gone in five years.”? The benighted al-Gore.

What world famous scientist said in 2019: “World will end in 12 years if climate change is not addressed.”? Alexandria Occasional Cortex harbinger of the apocalypse

What autistic, petulant international Karen said: “Science doesn’t lie. If we are to stay below the targets set in the 2015 Paris agreement — and thereby minimize the risks of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control — we need immediate, drastic, annual, emission reductions unlike anything the world has ever seen.”? Child abuse victim St. Greta of Thunberg

(2) Comments

  1. Over half of my kids on my bus think that global climate change is real. My sons 7th grade science teacher is trying real hard to promote climate change. In his school text book the exact words are ” Coal has been found in Antarctica. But coal only forms from the remains of plants and animals that grow in warm, swampy regions. As you probably know, thick layers of of ice and snow now cover Antarctica. The presence of coal shows that the climate of Antarctica was once much warmer than it is today. ” Bravo on reporting the broader history of climate change, which was once ozone depletion, acid rain and global warming.

  2. A brilliant anthology of historic climate change events! But, like all who deny the SUV will destroy the planet, you are guilty of assigning more value to facts and reality than to uninformed opinion and hysteria.
    We all know 97% of scientists agree that fossil fuels combined with human and bovine flatulence are causing dramatic increases in the severity of hurricanes, tornadoes and wild fires today. We just can’t figure out what caused Galveston to be totally destroyed in 1900. In a tribute to Rush Limbaugh, I point out that this is sarcasm for those of you from Rio Linda.

    Happily, I must note that I got five of the seven quotes!


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