Ours is Not to Reason

Pop Quiz

Trump has been accused of “racism”, “white supremacy”, “antisemitism”, having “authoritarian instincts”, “misogyny” and “homophobia”, being a “Putinophile”, having Nazi sympathies and, worst of all, sending hurtful tweets. We set out to find quotes from the chattering class that supported the argument that Trump was a threat to world order. Google has many Trump quotes which all seem designed to justify the national outrage that Trump was ever elected. Anti-Trump quotes, however, appear to have been erased from the media memory.


Who said: “Trump will return US to ‘Mad Men’ Era.”?

What news outlet said: “President Trump will kill the environment.”?

What publication opined after Trump’s election: “The Electoral College is an instrument of White Supremacy–and Sexism.”?

What political website included the headline: “Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump.”?

Who said: “Trump is the most dangerous man to ever run for President.”?

Answers at the end of the post.

Despite the tsunami of anti-Trump vitriol and to the shock and horror of the renowned philosopher Madonna (“Like a Political Virgin”) the American electorate put Beelzebub in the White House. Here is a pop quiz for you to spring on leftist, progressive, authoritarian Democrats (redundancy alert). Ask which of these accomplishments of the Satanic Orange Man they would undo:

Consumer confidence reaches an 18 year high;

Black unemployment hits 5.9%, the lowest ever recorded;

Hispanic and Asian unemployment hits record lows and Female unemployment reaches the lowest level since 1953 (apparently the big objection here will be the inexplicable unemployment of Hilliary);

Unemployment of young people is the lowest in more than 50 years;

Economic growth in 2018 exceeds 3%…first time since 2008 (for the historically challenged that would include the entire duration of the Obama presidency);

For every new Federal regulation 22 regulations have been repealed (is there any correlation between this data point and the 2018 growth?);

Jobless claims are the lowest in five decades (50 years for those who were subjected to common core math);

Energy independence is achieved and the US becomes the world’s biggest exporter of crude oil for the first time;

ISIS beaten into the ground like a tent stake;

In 2019 we had the lowest incarceration rate since 1995 (that is when Bill and Hilliary ran the show);

Tens of thousands of blue collar jobs return to America (this answers Obama’s question as to whether Trump had a magic wand).

The answer appears to be all of them because their chosen candidate President Houseplant undid them all in one year.

So how did this wildly successful President fail to get re-elected? In large part because these accomplishments are among the most closely guarded secrets in US history. The media and the Ministry of Truth ensured that the public was happily ignorant of such things. In addition they went about deflecting, hiding and blocking any information that was perceived to be harmful to Joe Biden’s bid to get free tapioca for four years. The MOT blocks the free flow of information as effortlessly as the great NHL goalie Jacques Plante deflected pucks.

It became a mission of Holy Grail proportions that Trump be defeated in 2020. The Chinese government did their part by releasing the Wuhan Red Death on the world which, with the cooperation of COVIDiots like Fauci and Birx, brought our economy to its knees. But the left still had to be concerned that the brainwashed deplorables might fail to realize how bad life had become and replicate their 2016 performance and that Trump would be re-elected.

To ensure that would never happen the “establishment” and the deep state, with the connivance of the media and the MOT, implemented a two part program designed to steal the election…the will of the people be damned!

Part One: manipulate the flow of information by squelching stories adverse to Biden, such as the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and any suggestion that Biden, who had already convincingly established his intellectual inadequacies, was well down road to dementia. The moderators of the political debates did everything but wear Biden election paraphernalia. Chris Wallace was almost as skilled as the aforementioned Plante in keeping slap shots away from the hapless Biden.

While there is no legal restriction on the media’s behavior it is certainly not ethical to slant the news coverage to favor one candidate as it would constitute an in kind political contribution. The media and the MOT were injecting squid ink into the national dialogue so it wouldn’t reflect badly on Biden. The endless summer riots (dare we use the term insurrection?) brought into our living rooms by Fa-Antifa and (Some) Black Lives Matter were described as “mostly peaceful” by reporters standing in front of buildings in full conflagration. They were “peaceful” despite the delivery to participants in the tumultuous protests of frozen water bottles, baseball bats and Molotov cocktails. Thank you George Soros. The Democrat candidate for Vice-President actually supported a fund for the payment of bail for the thugs and felons who were engaged in the assaults on the police and federal courthouses. The media worked hard to create the impression that these hoodlums were reacting to the policies of Trump and not merely participating in the national pastime of the Democrat left.

By contrast Trump held some 55 rallies across the country that were marked by enthusiasm and pro-American sentiment. The only violence that ever occurred was caused by anti-Trump hooligans bent on creating the impression that the disruptions were caused by people wearing MAGA hats. One of the censors at Facebook went so far as to delete pictures of people wearing those nasty red hats which he considered symbols of terrorism. The media took great pains to note the absence of Blacks at these rallies. They gave up on the misogyny angle because about half of those attending the Trump rallies were women.

Part Two: This bias in favor of Biden would carry over into the election itself. In 2005 a bi-partisan panel (chaired by former President Carter and one-time Reagan Chief of Staff James Baker) concluded that “Absentee Ballots remain the largest source of voter fraud.” The 2020 election proved their point. Mark Zuckerberg distributed some $420 million during the 2020 election cycle. The vast majority of these Zuckbucks was spent in Democrat controlled areas. It was not spent to register new voters but rather to influence the counting of votes. Josef Stalin, longtime champion of downtrodden, said: “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” Zuckerberg is clearly a Stalin acolyte because he was all about ensuring that the counting of votes was undertaken beyond the prying eyes of Republican poll-watchers. It worked in a number of states.

The left used the COVID threat to reduce in person voting. Security measures such as comparing the signature on a ballot with the voter’s signature were ignored. Ballots were delivered in large quantities without any chain of custody. At the end of election day Trump had won the election but in the dark of night his lead in several key states evaporated.

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the US Constitution provides that “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof”. This seems crystal clear but in 2020 a number of states allowed state courts and/or governors to alter the manner of voting. It would seem equally clear that such non-legislative amendments to the voting process were unconstitutional. However the Federal courts generally agreed that they would not explore the factual basis for any claims of voter fraud. Hence we would hear endlessly that nothing was ever “proven”.

The Ministry of Truth weighed in by canceling anyone with the temerity to suggest that the vote was other than utterly transparent. The Navarro Report is the best analysis of the depth of the fraud in the 2020 election (Google: The Navarro Report). Navarro focuses on six states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. His arguments are based on facts and law and we encourage you to study the Report. We cannot undo the 2020 election but we must do everything in our power to make sure it never happens again.

The Supreme Court has embraced the concept of “One person/One vote.” Every legal vote should be counted. Here is a modest proposal: tie every vote to the social security number of the voter. A national database would ensure that each number is used only once in each election. A hefty fine would be collected from anyone who tries to use a phony number. Just a thought.

Things to Ponder:

Does the escalator in the Trump Tower in NYC cause a person to become a racist about midway down the ride? Seems to have worked on Trump.

Perspective on masking kids because of COVID: According to the CDC diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day worldwide. COVID kills about 400 children per year.

Trump gave the poor jobs; Biden gives the poor crack pipes.

The Brothers Vindman should never be listened to…the entire Ukraine impeachment was a fraud. When you see the Brothers Vindman you are impressed by the 170 IQ points until you remember that they had to divide them equally.

Theodore Roosevelt coined the term “the bully pulpit” to describe a powerful platform that can be used to make a difference. In the incapable hands of Jen Psaki it is rather a bully’s pulpit.

Answers to Pop Quiz

Who said: “Trump will return US to ‘Mad Men’ Era.”? Bill Clinton chivalrously supporting his lovely bride Bruno

What news outlet said: “President Trump will kill the environment.”? The Associated Press

What publication opined after Trump’s election: “The Electoral College is an instrument of White Supremacy–and Sexism.”? Slate

What political website included the headline: “Study: 91 percent of coverage on evening newscasts was negative to Donald Trump.”? Politico

Who said: “Trump is the most dangerous man to ever run for President.”? Bruno herself

(3) Comments

  1. An impressive tour de force of Brycisms. It’s been quite easy to identify the top ones…
    1. renowned philosopher Madonna (“Like a Political Virgin”) – my favorite….
    2. beaten into the ground like a tent stake
    3. President Houseplant
    4. free tapioca for four years.
    5. as effortlessly as the great NHL goalie Jacques Plante deflected pucks
    6. COVIDiots
    7. Fa-Antifa and (Some) Black Lives Matter
    8. Zuckbucks

  2. A wonderfully succinct overview of how Joe Biden is today the president of the United States and why Donald Trump is not. Houseplant’s election should not have come as a surprise to anyone. After all, the Washington reminded everyone that Donald Trump told 21 lies or mistruths daily for a total of 30,573 during his presidency, while, remarkably, Joe Biden has yet to utter a single one.

    Of course President Houseplant undid all of these Trump accomplishments. Just look at the members of his Kakistocracy from whom he’s taking advice…for example, he had to undo the great unemployment numbers based on Economist Bartender AOC’s bewildered quote “The reason unemployment is so low is that everyone has two jobs!” And consider the rock solid qualifications of V.P. Harris (skin color and femaleness) and Buttegieg (LGBTQ), and the rest of the cabinet.

    The scariest reality is your final point, “We cannot undo the 2020 election but we must do everything in our power to make sure it never happens again.” This is where November, 2022 will either mean a reversal of this madness or many more nails in the coffin of our Democratic Republic.

    P.S. Alas, I got none of the quiz questions correct, but all of my guesses were really good.


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