Moving Forward

Pop Quiz

What Nobel Laureate said: “Science advances one funeral at a time.”?

Which American historian argued: “Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.”?

What writer said: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”?

What meteorologist said: “It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a scam. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming.”?

Answers at the end of this post.

At the conclusion of the last post we made the following statement: “We must oppose the WEF with every fiber of our being…”. A number of readers reacted by suggesting that such a call to arms (metaphorically speaking) demanded a plan of action and this post is intended to begin a dialogue regarding such an action plan.

A significant number of leftists/Democrats are suffering from advanced stage Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). As many of these deplorables are mentally weak and insecure in their cocoons of ignorance they are incapable of dealing with any idea that they do not understand and, therefore, reflexively disagree with. The Biden Justice Department is criminalizing political disagreement. The January 6 Congressional carousel of incompetence is the manifestation of the TDS pandemic. Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon are the most prominent victims to date. These men had the temerity to openly support President Trump. They are being treated like serial child molesters.

So what should be done…

Be Unafraid to Openly Advocate for Your Political Opinions

Americans are being intimidated by ill-informed authoritarian leftists (redundancy alert) if they dare to place Trump signs in their yards, openly display Trump paraphernalia or advocate conservative positions. The leftist brown shirts, i.e. fa-antifa and SBLM, react to MAGA hats exactly as Dracula responds to a cross. They “dox” (defined as the publication of private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent) anyone who fails to embrace their political diktats. See, e.g. Nicholas Sandmann. They are pathologically opposed to any level of dissent. See, e.g. any Ben Shapiro appearance on a college campus. This must end…most of the fa-antifa/SBLM insurrectionists are, in reality, cowards and Americans need to stand up to them and expose the pusillanimous folks hiding behind their masks and shields. Stand up and show who and what you support.

Be Unafraid to Defend the Accomplishments of the Trump Administration

The most closely guarded secrets in the America are the many accomplishments of President Trump. The media is relentless in their tsunami of criticism of the former President. His accomplishments are ignored. When someone criticizes Trump ask them which of his successes they would reverse (ignore the fact that Biden has reversed almost all of them). How about black unemployment at the lowest level ever recorded? Energy independence for the first time since 1953? More than 500,000 manufacturing jobs brought back or created? The Abraham Accords? An asymptotic reduction in economy strangling Federal regulations? And most significantly three Constitutionalist Supreme Court justices appointed and confirmed? These are but a sampling…amazing for a four year President who was relentlessly criticized and harassed by the media, the Democrats and the Ministry of Truth. Stand up for Trump the President and don’t feel you have to defend Trump the man who is no more deplorable than Hilliary or Obama

Immediately Reform our Institutions of Education

The most insidious systemic problem in America today is a pandemic of ignorance. Our schools have become incubators of mis and disinformation and organs of propaganda. We teach our children what to think not how to think. Parents are specifically excluded from the education process and if they challenge their local school boards they risk being identified as domestic terrorists. Our motto should be: “Our children, Our choice”. Elementary schools should be compelled to provide the building blocks of a sound education…English language skills, American and world history, the ability to communicate, basic, not common core, math and basic science. There should be no lessons on CRT or sexual identity. Let kids be kids and do nothing to retard their social development by imposing political constructs. Recent polls suggest that many American students cannot identify even 2 of the 4 freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment. Yet they will fight to the death to protect their “right” to abortion. They have no understanding of the particulars of the Civil War…one young scholar suggested that George Washington “won the Civil War”. Many are unable to identify what countries were involved in the First and Second World Wars, let alone when those wars took place. As such it cannot come as a surprise that their political passions are almost uniformly based on serious misconceptions. How can people steeped in ignorance cast an intelligent vote? Make education an enlightening experience and return it to our schools.

We must Defend the Constitution

The US Constitution is the greatest political contract ever created. The principle purpose of the Constitution is to make difficult, if not impossible, the transfer of political power from the local jurisdictions to a central government. The document is replete with checks and balances intended to dilute power in any one branch of the Federal government and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments make clear that if a power is not expressly assigned to the Federal government it is reserved to the People and the States respectively. Every student should be required to read and understand the Constitution and appreciate that it is a contract between the government and the people and that it is designed to protect those people. The decisions handed down by the Supreme Court in 2022 were the first actions in decades that actually returned power to the states and the people. Denizens of the Deep State regarded these decisions as a threat to their power. The argument in response to the corrective action reversing Roe v. Wade was that the Court was “illegitimate” because it overturned a decision that had stood for almost 50 years. That logic would have made the Brown v. Board of Education decision wrongheaded because it reversed Plessy v. Ferguson which had stood for almost 60 years. I know of no one today who thinks ending public segregation was a bad idea. We must stand up for the Constitution.

We are NOT a Racist Nation

There is no systemic racism in America. In the US we have a Democrat Party sponsored campaign to ensure Blacks are unable to progress socially and economically. The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) is a Smithsonian Institution museum which is focused on educating Americans about our past racial depredations. We must never forget what the Democrat Party has inflicted on our Black population over the years. Unfortunately the NMAAHC put together a document summarizing the characteristics of “white power” that they see as antithetical to the Black community. Among the white traits that are deemed negative are: self-reliance, cause and effect relationships, work before you play, respect authority, delayed gratification, timeliness and politeness. Read that list again. These are things that would probably describe the behavior of your children. So basically we are treating our minority population as if they are children and we have sent the message that we will overlook bad behavior and decision-making. To what end? Arguably to keep Blacks “in their place”. The NMAAHC has now removed this document from their website but has the damage already been done? We must work to correct the record and destroy antithetical programs such as CRT and the 1619 Project which have the effect of ensuring the continuation of the racial divide in our country. CRT is racism writ large.

There is NO Global Climate Crisis

The first argument to support any consolidation of power in the Deep State is that “it is the only way to address the existential global climate crisis.” It is applied to every subject no matter how attenuated the connection to the climate. Any countervailing discussion should begin with these points: (1) The science is, indeed, settled…there is no global climate crisis. (2) There is no evidence, scientific or otherwise, that the activities of man have any measurable impact on the incredibly complex global climate system. (3) All climate “changes” are natural and cyclical. One would think it impossible to find someone who has made a statement that is dumber than any AOC utterance. One would be wrong. Recently our scientifically bewildered climate czar, John F. Kerry, summoned up all of his arrogance and ignorance and announced that “all greenhouse gases are pollution.” This idiocy confirms our suspicion that the job that best matches Kerry’s intellect is topping off water glasses in a restaurant. Anything more complex would be a challenge for this pathetic Yale graduate. As it turns out about 96% of the greenhouse gases are water vapor. Only Kerry would describe clouds as a form of pollution. It is on such foolish arguments that Al Gore and his mindless acolytes have constructed the horror that is anthropogenic global warming and an existential climate crisis. As they cannot explain how man created the Roman Warming Period they have simply written it out of our history. We must educate everyone that the climate crisis is a fraud from start to finish.

Protect Free Speech and Fight Censorship

The greatest power that the media and the Ministry of Truth have is the power to suppress ideas with which they disagree. The censorship of opposing ideas does nothing but perpetuate the systemic ignorance in America. Our snowflakes are unable to deal with any idea that is new or in conflict with their preconceived worldview. The leftists work assiduously to protect their delicate psyches from anything that risks causing a mental meltdown. We should challenge the intellectual comfort of such people lest they all end up as victims of parental abuse like St. Greta of Thunberg. We must demand that our children learn critical thinking as part of their education. Sadly the Department of Education is more interested in establishing “safe zones” for our kids where they are protected from the real world. One has to be concerned as to how these young skulls full of mush (Rush Limbaugh flashback) will react when they are confronted with a real crisis. Imagine a world governed by the WEF and the likes of Justin Trudeau. That nightmare, previewed vividly by George Orwell in his dystopian novel 1984, will become an inevitability if we allow the Ministry of Truth and networks such as CNN and MSDNC to control the national dialogue. We must oppose government by fear and intimidation, the mother’s milk of Democrats everywhere.

It is time for Americans to retake control of our government, return it to the local level and challenge the power of the media and the Ministry of Truth. The American people are amazing and, unfortunately, they are held in contempt by the politicians and bureaucrats that control the government of the people, by the people and for the people because we are at risk of having it “perish from this earth”.

Let the dialogue begin…

To call the Biden administration a kakistocracy is an insult to people who are actually mediocre.

From our humility department: Two questions from a 1912 8th grade test in Bullitt County Kentucky. 1. Name three rights given to Congress by the Constitution and two rights denied Congress. 2. Who invented the Magnetic Telegraph, Cotton Gin, Sewing Machine and Phonograph?

Suggested reading: The Dying Citizen by Victor Davis Hanson…indispensable

Under Merrick Garland the child, who points out the obvious, in the story The Emperor’s New Clothes would be arrested as an insurrectionist!

Answers to pop quiz:

What Nobel Laureate said: “Science advances one funeral at a time.”? Max Planck, clearly anticipating Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx

Which American historian argued: “Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.”? Henry Adams, grandson of John Quincy Adams

What writer said: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”? Eric Blair, aka George Orwell

What meteorologist said: “It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a scam. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming.”? John Coleman founder of The Weather Channel during an interview with Brian Stelter…described by George Orwell in 1984 as “a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasm—one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the (network) depended.”

(4) Comments

  1. I agree with some more than others. Digging deeper into the cause of your observations, we will find that voter ignorance is exploited. Hence people – particularly young ones- should be exposed to real debates and truly understand what makes this country great. Just repeating your thoughts, above.

    • To elaborate a bit more…. the biggest action is to educate people on what makes this country a standout from all other places. One key action from your list is protecting the constitution: educating about its importance and defending it. All else will fall into place, in my view.
      Would be good to focus on this critical action; how do we ensure that it’s not only “on paper”?
      BTW there is an excellent interview with Antonin Scalia on this very subject.

  2. Since reading the previous post. “We are not worthy: Part Deux”, I have begun researching the WEF founded in 1971 and still led today by Klaus Schwab. Having only just scratched the surface, I am stunned at the insidious proliferation and infiltration this concept has made into the world of private enterprise. The WEF seeks to replace “shareholder capitalism” with “stakeholder capitalism”. As I learned more about the meaning of “stakeholder capitalism”, I quickly concluded it is a brilliant new name for Socialism and government control of the means of production. Brilliant, because while carefully avoiding any reference to socialism, its ultimate implementation implies decision making control of corporations by bureaucratic, globalistic bodies, not even remotely interested in the profit motive. It becomes very palatable to the low information voters through constant reinforcement of the goal of making a better planet for all to live equally, happily ever after. You are so right…the WEF must be resisted and defeated at all cost.

    Among the list of actions to defeat the WEF in this post, I would first add the need for a massive “Exposure” campaign. People (just like me a week ago) need to understand what the WEF seeks to do, before they can be mobilized against it.


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