
Pop Quiz

What author wrote: “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

What political leader said: “The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”

What American poet said: “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.”

What US President said: “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”

What US author noted: We have come to “see all differences of opinion as differences of worldview”.

Answers at the end of this post.

So Donald Trump has announced he is going to run for President again in 2024. This simple act has had the effect of detonating a thermonuclear device in AOC’s boudoir. The slowly receding abhorrence of the 45th President has been re-ignited and Liz Cheney will likely have to be committed. Why this overwrought reaction?

The negative image of Trump is entirely a construct of the Ministry of Truth (MOT). Before Trump came down that escalator in 2015 he had never been accused of being a racist/white supremacist. No one had suggested that he was a fascist/neo-fascist/Nazi/Zoroastrian. It was not believed by anyone that he was hostile to the LGBT or Trans communities. There were no rumors that he was a puppet or hot tub partner of Vladimir Putin. These accusations were fabricated in the fever swamps of the Left. The tragedy is that they have been embraced, without hesitation, by a significant segment of the American population. If ever you wanted evidence that critical thought has become an endangered species in America all you need to do is listen the ravings of Joy Reid, Michael Bechloss or Liz Cheney.

One has to wonder what caused this epidemic of political lunacy. You need look no further than the treatment of Trump by the MOT. The many accomplishments of the Trump administration were carefully recorded by Franciscan monks on a scroll that has been secreted in the Ark of the Covenant in a government warehouse the location of which is undisclosed. In point of fact Trump accomplished more in four years than Clinton, W or Obama did in eight years. Trump’s crime appears to be that he allowed us to peek behind the curtain that concealed the machinations of the Deep State.

The introduction of light and transparency into the operation of the unelected Federal bureaucracy has been greeted by that bureaucracy with fear, loathing and a swift and merciless retaliation. Christopher Wray dodging questions makes Mr. Bojangles (aka Bill Robinson) look like a quadriplegic. He seems to be unacquainted with the concepts of truth and honesty. He has turned the FBI into a sock puppet of the Democrat Party.

Let’s review the record…

It has been established to the satisfaction of any sentient person, which excludes the likes of Rachel Maddow, Joy Behar and the entire MOT, that the “Russian collusion” asseveration was a Clintonian confection worthy of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. The collusion fable was based on the Steele Dossier which, as it turns out, was authored by the campaign team of Hilliary herself. The perfidious James Comey provided the treacherous spark needed to breathe life into this Frankenstein creation. Yet the MOT and the chattering class continue to peddle the Trump/Putin collusion story as if it was a Talmudic Truth. Such true believers are impervious to facts that contradict their adherence to the fairy tales they have embraced. They still choose to ignore the virtual exoneration of Trump delivered by the somnambulant Robert Mueller. Sisyphus has been replaced by Adam Schiff for brains.

Rather we should be investigating the collusion between the FBI and the Democrat Party. In 2015 the aforementioned FBI Director Comey leaked the Steele Dossier to the world even though he knew it had been discredited. He dismissed the clear evidence that had been discovered on Hilliary’s personal server proving she had lied to one and alI. (Note that Bill Clinton was impeached for use of his personal server, Monica Lewinsky). The FBI altered documents to get warrants to prolong the phony investigation. In 2018 the Mueller investigation, initiated at the behest of Comey, was proceeding in its baseless witch hunt. In 2020 the FBI actively suppressed the investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop suggesting, with the support of the treacherous “intelligence” community, that it looked like “Russian disinformation”. In 2022 they staged a raid on Trump’s personal residence in order to create the myth that Trump had “stolen” secret documents and may have sold them to our enemies. They keep this alive with continuing rumors that swirl around the “evidence” they allegedly found. This record of success makes the FBI look like the 1962 Mets!

The purpose of this ongoing abuse of power is to make Trump unelectable. What they have succeeded in accomplishing, with the willing cooperation of the MOT, is proving that Pavlov was on to something. Critical thinking is dead in America and a vast portion of the American electorate are no more than lemmings. We have become a nation of Springer Spaniels…seeing everything and comprehending nothing. Sadly a large number of Republicans have fallen prey to this propaganda. Perhaps the Dumbocrats are actually terrified that Trump will be re-elected and they would rather face Mike Pence or Chris Christie or Mitt Romney…losers one and all. Something to think about.

Things to ponder:

Mark Twain has noted that “there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress.”

The thoughtful Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff pointed out that the etymology of the word “politics” defines the word perfectly: poli = many, tics = blood sucking parasites. He is very upset that he is the only Russian in America not questioned by the Mueller investigation.

It is interesting that the criminal conspirators who put together our response to COVID now want amnesty…say what? The information that the MOT censored (e.g. the Wuhan lab was the source, the vaccines didn’t actually work) have now been proven to be accurate.

America is now a nation that perpetuates ignorance, embraces the joys of censorship and generates fear among the populace. Eric Blair was right!

Another troubling development is the use of the word hate to describe any idea with which someone disagrees. A TCU professor describes as “hate codes” the tint and tone of “right wing” communications. She suggests that these hate codes cause events like the indefensible attack on the LBGT night club in Colorado Springs despite the lack of evidence that the madman who did the shooting had any right wing tendencies. How about the following examples of hate speech: Hilliary identifies 25% of the US electorate as deplorables? What about routinely suggesting that all Trump supporters are Fascists, Nazis or, worse yet, UltraMAGA? Is it not wrong to suggest that all conservatives support the persecution of the LGBT community? No evidence is ever offered up in support of these hate codes. Ask any leftist to simply define the word “fascist”…good luck!

We apologize if the facts in this post cause PTSD among the ignorant products of our education system.

Answers to the Pop Quiz:

What author wrote: “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” Eric Blair, aka George Orwell

What political leader said: “The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.” Socialist Adolf Hitler

What American poet said: “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

What US President said: “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence

What US author noted: We have come to “see all differences of opinion as differences of worldview”. Allan Bloom, author of The Closing of the American Mind.

(3) Comments

  1. Good stuff! Two thoughts emerged as I perused “Trumpophobia”.
    First, I would go beyond your assertion that Trump was never accused of being a Nazi, etc., prior to his infamous escalator descension in 2015. In fact he was somewhat a media darling. I’ve seen many pre-2015 interviews conducted by the MOT’s beloved, so called “journalists”, during which his pro America perspective, business acumen and family life were explored and lauded. And let’s not forget his “Apprentice” persona was undeniably popular. Indeed, the MSM’s ability to convince half the population that the words “Mexico is not sending us their best…” really means “All Mexicans are rapists” must cause Mr. Trump to re-think his public communications, if he hopes to win.
    My second thought relates to the prescience of the Mark Twain quote. The corruption of our Washington bureaucracy is truly the only organized national corruption in existence today, as the Italian Mafia and Irish mob of our youth have been dismantled.
    I’m left with wondering, can Trump actually win in 2024, given somewhere near half the country hates the Trump character the MOT and MSM have created?

  2. It’s starting to point in one direction, unfortunately. As one of the best US presidents once said “”If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.” Even Plato concluded logically that the only result from democracy would be…Tyranny. Are we watching these events as they unfold?

    Best Brycism: personal server, Monica Lewinsky


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