An American Nightmare

Pop Quiz

What American observer said: “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.”

What American historian said: “The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.”

What American cynic noted: “Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.”

What President remarked: “Silencing those who disagree with us is a sign of weakness, not strength, and it won’t lead to progress.”

What famous dissident observed: “It’s a universal law– intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.”

What 19th century American writer said: “Intolerance is natural and logical, for in every dissenting opinion lies an assumption of superior wisdom.”

Answers at the end of this post.

Sabbatical over. One actually tires of documenting and analyzing the colossal disaster that is the Biden Administration. If a picture (or video) is worth a thousand words then the following is a perfect visual representation of the Biden Presidency.

The truly troubling element of the past two years (seems like a decade) is the reaction of our citizenry to the various assaults on our freedom and our Constitution. As we noted in an earlier post the legal system is shambolic, the Ministry of Truth and the public education system are working tirelessly to ensure the eternal ignorance of the American people and the Democrat Party is counting on a phalanx of domestic terrorists and Brownshirts to intimidate anyone who does not drink liberally of the Deep State Kool-Aid. Many Americans are far too quiescent and accepting.

All of which begs the question: How did Joe “Hindenburg” Biden get elected? Perhaps the following observations may offer an explanation…

The American Youth

Our education system, such as it is, has, over the past 20 years, produced a totally infantalized generation of unenlightened “children”. We see, on a daily basis, behavior akin to that of a spoiled child in the grocery store cereal aisle when Mom refuses to purchase the Chocolate Coated Sugar Bombs (hat tip to Calvin and Hobbes) that her toddler has seen advertised on TV…and must have…NOW! A few examples will suffice…

Riley Gaines is a phenomenal woman swimmer, a twelve time NCAA All-American. We know she is a woman because she has all of the required birthing equipment…ovaries, a uterus and Fallopian tubes. Ketanji Brown Jackson please take note. She lost the 200 meter freestyle event at the NCAA WOMEN’S national championship to the only competitor with a rudder. She now tours the country in an effort to save Women’s sports. In a recent appearance at San Francisco State University she was a victim of assault and battery, she was barricaded in a room for three hours and was “shouted down” in a most vile and despicable way. It was a display of petulance reminiscent of the local cereal aisles.

As if to demonstrate the abject failure of our “elite” law schools the so-called students at Stanford Law School engaged in a display of graduate school petulance. A Federal Circuit Judge, Stuart Kyle Duncan, was subjected to an infantile outbreak of disruption and condemnation and he was not allowed to speak. His crime was that he was appointed to the bench by Beelzebub, aka Donald Trump. This was the equivalent of a three year old covering their ears and screaming la, la, la over and over again because he or she didn’t like what was being said. At another law school “students” pounded their hands on tables every time a conservative speaker, with whom they disagreed, tried to engage in a dialogue.

The mob that participated in the “insurrection” in the Tennessee legislative chamber shouted, stamped their feet and mindlessly chanted simplistic slogans comprised of one syllable rhyming words. In other settings the demonstrators blow whistles (no doubt supplied by George Soros) whenever there is an attempt to have a civil debate. One wonders how they will react ten years hence when a judge rules against them in court?

We are facing an entire generation of spoiled, ignorant, callow brats!

The East Palestine Inconvenience

If you wish to appreciate the disdain in which the mediocrities on team Biden hold the American people, dissect the (mis) handling of the devastating train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. That locale is referred to by the chattering class as Trump country, a pejorative which is invariably delivered with an elitist sneer. In other words it is hardly worth mentioning. The biggest concern was that the cloud of hazardous gas might drift across a blue state border. Luckily the Administration sent their top “man” Mayor Pete to assess the situation. He disguised himself as Bob the Builder and he managed, effortlessly, to appear inconvenienced, ignorant and ineffective. His simple mission was to blame former President Trump for all that had transpired. It was thin gruel for the put upon residents of the blue collar town. The derailment has not been adequately explained, a report on the response by the authorities and Norfolk Southern has been wanting and an assessment of the entirety of the damage has been non-existent. A trifecta of dissembling, cover-up and distraction.

40 years ago there would have been wall to wall coverage of an “environmental disaster”. EPA officials would have been crawling all over the area wringing their hands about the destruction done to Gaia. Today it is reduced to a story buried in the second section of your canary cage bound newspaper. The same event in a tony DC suburb or an inner-city populated by people of color would be treated as something of Hiroshima proportion, raw capitalist greed.

Domestic Terrorism

By which we do not mean the parents of abused children appearing at Board of Education meetings, people who question election results or those who doubt the divinity of Anthony Fauci. Rather it refers to the violent anarchic foot soldiers of the Left…Fa-Antifa and SBLM. It also includes the modern version of the Cowboys led by Curly Bill Brocius and depicted in the movie Tombstone…marauding criminal gangs which populate every major city.

In Austin a man who was being threatened by a criminal with an assault rifle reacted by killing the assailant with his lawfully owned handgun. He has now been convicted of murder. Had be been killed the perp would have been out on bail an hour later or, perhaps, charged with jaywalking. A group of privileged, spoiled kids move onto a site of a planned police training facility in Georgia and commit acts of violence against the police. 23 people, mostly from outside Georgia, are charged with domestic terrorism. The news story dies alone and forgotten. Flash mobs commit felony theft in exclusive shopping areas and local authorities do…nothing! Walmart decides to close all of their stores in San Francisco. Whole Foods is closing their flagship store in the City on the Bay. Drug stores are threatening to follow suit. Residents of inner-cities across America are left to suffer in anarchy and the newly elected Mayor of Chicago wants to use social workers to handle the rising levels of crime. In NYC it is more risky to make campaign bookkeeping errors than to commit a violent crime. The obvious solution…defund the police!

Our Education Hierarchy is not Educating

The perpetrators of this mayhem and turmoil are, more often than not, products of a failed education system. There are a number of schools in Baltimore and Chicago that have significant numbers of high school students who cannot pass basic proficiency tests. Our schools are perpetuating ignorance. There is no effort to instill discipline or an appreciation of our great country. There is no accountability for either the students or the hapless faculty that washes their brains every day. A future under the leadership of these illiterate crybabies is positively dystopian.

Additional Thoughts

Our snowflake generation has been raised fervently believing what the Dodo said in Alice in Wonderland: “Everyone has won and all must have prizes”. All but Trump.

A group of lions is called a pride. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of crows is called a murder. A group of manatees is called an aggregation. A group of morons is called a Davos.

American intellectuals prefer a natural environment…free range stupidity.

Bertolt Brecht’s play Life of Galileo includes the following line by the protagonist: “…he who does not know the truth is merely an idiot, but he who knows it and calls it a lie is a criminal.”

Found in a New York City antique store…a moral compass. Advertised as “once owned by Chuck Schumer, like new, never been used.”

How gullible is this generation of childish Pavlovian canines? In 1969 Paul Ehrlich suggested that “everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.” (His record is the same as Bob Buhl’s batting record in 1962.) April 8, 1977 Time Magazine cover headline: “How to Survive the Coming Ice Age”. NASA’s Jim Hanson of NASA said in 1989: “The West Side Highway (NYC) will be under water (within in 20-30 years).” NBC News in 2006: “Leading US climate researcher says the world has a 10-year window of opportunity to take action on global warming and avert catastrophe.” St. Greta of Thunberg, victim of child abuse, continues her Paul Revere ride warning that “The Four Horsemen are coming.” The MOT and the misguided youth have no memory of these, and other imbecilic prognostications.

The DNC has chosen Chicago as the site of the 2024 Presidential Convention. They are advising attendees that there is no need to rent a car…it is easier and cheaper to just carjack your daily ride to the convention. Carjacking is the most popular means of acquiring a vehicle in the Windy City.

Pop Quiz answers:

What American observer said: “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain

What American historian said: “The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.” Daniel Boorstin

What American cynic noted: “Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” The incomparable P.J. O’Rourke

What President said: “Silencing those who disagree with us is a sign of weakness, not strength, and it won’t lead to progress.” Bet you didn’t see this one coming…Barack Hussein Obama

What famous dissident said: “It’s a universal law– intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

What 19th century American writer said: “Intolerance is natural and logical, for in every dissenting opinion lies an assumption of superior wisdom.” Ambrose Bierce

(3) Comments

  1. An American Nightmare, as readers have come to expect, contains more than the usual number of ingenious witticisms that drive home the truth, but Riley Gaines losing to the “only swimmer with a rudder” has forever shattered the purposeful, creative humor ceiling, and I can’t stop chuckling.

    What’s sad, is in the 21st Century anyone could write this chronicle of modern day America. “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” ring a bell?

    There is some good news though…Budweiser sales have fallen off a precipice, and Betsy DeVos said in an interview today that she would take the job of Secretary of Education again if Trump were elected, only if it was her primary mission to dismantle the Department of Education.

    Bravo for this post.

  2. Welcome back! It was worth waiting for the crown jewel Brycism: Joe “Hindenburg” Biden.
    It is clear our society is degenerating right in front of us. The only question is whether it is a natural phenomenon or carefully orchestrated by external forces.

  3. This article was very well written. Unfortunately, it does not give me much optimism for the future. I was born in the wrong generation.


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